miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015
INDIA: A policía impide a celebracion da Asambleia Chalo de Telangana, orgaizada polos partidos de esquerda.
New Delhi, 30.09.15
A policía dos estados de Andhra Pradesh y de Telangana desplegou un forte operativo na cidade de Marri Ramu/Hyderabad para impedir a celebración do programa da Asambleia Chalo, convocada polas organizacions de esquerda.
Informa a prensa india, que a policía bloqueou os acesos a Universidade de Osmania e doutros locais partidarios, e mesmo, a primeira hora, detiveron ao coñecido escritor revolucionario, Varavara Rao xunto a academicos como PL Viveswara Rao, G. Vinod Kumar e outros. Existe unha grande tensión pola actuación represiva e informase que outros escritores e intelectuais dirixense a esta cidade para esixir a liberdade dos detidos.
jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015
INDIA: Asasinan a dirixente do clandestino PCI (ML).
New Delhi, 24.09.15
Según medios de prensa india un alto responsable do clandestino Partido Comunista da India (Marxista-Leninista) identificado como camarada Mofzel, de 54 anos foi asasinado, onte mercores, nun atentado.
O asasinato tivo lugar no Sharshunadah Bazar, en Jessore Sadar, mentras el camarada Mofzel tomaba un té xunto a outras duas persoas. Tres individuos encarapuchados dispararon sobre dirixente comunista, e mesmo acoitelaron-no, mentras berraban -morte a Mofzel- afirman testigos presenciais.
martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015
INDIA: Magisterial inquiry ordered into Warangal encounter / Ordean investigación xudicial polos crimenes dos camaradas en Warangal.

Magisterial inquiry ordered into Warangal encounter
Warangal: The State government has ordered magisterial inquiry into the encounter in which two Maoists, including a woman, were gunned down in Govindaraopet mandal forests in Warangal district on September 15. The In-charge District Collector Sarfaraz Ahmad, in a statement here on Monday, said that a magisterial inquiry was ordered into the exchange of fire that took place at Rangapuram forests under Govindaraopet mandal. The Mulug Revenue Divisional Officer has been appointed as the investigating officer to inquire into the incident, he added. Meanwhile, TPCC official spokespersons Dasoju Shravan and A Dayakar demanded a CBI probe into the encounter.
The Congress leaders along with the students from Osmania University met and consoled the family members of Maoists Shruthi alias Mahitha and Vidyasagar Reddy alias Sagar here on Monday. Speaking to the media on the occasion, they alleged that the police had murdered the Maoists in fake encounter. The State government, which promised that there would be no encounters in Telangana State and implement Maoist agenda, was resorting to killing of Maoists in fake encounters.
The encounters were murders by the government, Shravan and Dayakar said. They demanded that criminal cases be registered against the police personnel who took part in the encounter. On the other hand the leaders of People’s JAC appealed to the State Human Rights Commission to probe into the killing of Shruthi. The JAC leaders P Kiran Madiga, G Dayakar, C L Yadagiri and others submitted a memorandum to the Commission in this regard. They alleged that the woman Maoist was abused sexually and attacked with acid before being killed. The leaders also appealed the Home Minister Naini Narsimha Reddy to order probe into the incident.
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015
INDIA: A policía de Bastar afirma que matou a un coñecido comandante do EGPL.
New Delhi, 20.09.15
Según fontes da prensa india o importante comandante do EGPL, o camarada Sonadhar, que foi asasinado xunto a outros dos combatentes pola policia do estado de Odhisa, en Bastar, este pasado sabado.
Según o reporte, o camarada Sonadhar, Secretario do Comité de Area do val de Kang, de foi abatido nunha emboscada da policía, perto dun mercado na aldea de Kotaguda.
A policía afirma que o camarada foi responsabel da emboscada na que morreron, no 2013, un importante numero de políticos do Partido do Congreso no Estado e do ataque, no 2014, no que morreron 11 membros da CRPF e un impotante numero de feridos.
Outras fontes afirman que si ben morreron tres supostos combatentes naxalitas non estan confirmadas súas identidades.
viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015
GALIZA: Nota do Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.
O Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India quere amosar, públicamente, o seu fondo pesar e indignación polo asasinato, a mans da policía de Warangal, do camarada Vidyasagarreddy Manikanti e da camarada Shruthi, nun falso combate.
As forzas represivas, tiñaos secuetrado dos seus domicilios e despois de tortura-los e violar a camarada Shuthi arroxaron seus corpos no bosque.
Unha vez máis, os verdugos do pobo teñen asasinado a persoas que adicaron suas vidas a loitar por unha nova sociedade sen explotadores nin opresión.
Os terroristas, ao servizo dos terratenientes e da burguesia burocratica, teñen os días contados e moi pronto seran eles os que sexan xusgados e executados polos seus crimens contra o pobo.
O asasinato dos camaradas, mostra as claras que non hai outro camiño para a liberación do pobo, que a Guerra Popular Revolucionaria que encabeza o Partido Comunista da India (maoísta), provada vanguarda das masas oprimidas na India e principal destacamento, hoxe, da Revolución Proletaria Mundial.
Lal Salaam !
Viva a Guerra Popular na India!
Viva o PCI (maoísta)!
Viva a Revolución Prolétaria Mundial!
Morte aos criminais opresores!
Galiza, 18.09.15
Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.
miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015
martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015
INDIA: Telangana Government Killing Its Own People!!! (Lal Salam)
Shruthi Thangella Killed After Vivek Kodamangundla by the Telangana Police.
Another Bright Student Thangella Shruthi (M.Tech) and Vidyasagar (Graduate) both from Warangal district were martyred this morning in an alleged encounter with police in Eturunagarm forests.
Both of them struggled for the cause of separate telangana state and were killed by the same telangana state police!!! Shruthi was recruited into CPI (Maoist)party in late 2014 & Sagar very recently.
Shruthi is the daughter of Thangella Sudarshan, a teacher, Telangana poet and a serious activist of Telangana movement from the times of 1990. The whereabouts of Sagar are yet to know.
Vivek Kodamagundla (19 Years Old) an other serious fighter of telangana state was recently killed by the same telangana police in Telangana-Chattisgarh border!
Shame on you KCR, Shame on you bloody TRS.
You are killing our own Telanganites who fought more seriously than you for Telangana cause....
Another Bright Student Thangella Shruthi (M.Tech) and Vidyasagar (Graduate) both from Warangal district were martyred this morning in an alleged encounter with police in Eturunagarm forests.
Both of them struggled for the cause of separate telangana state and were killed by the same telangana state police!!! Shruthi was recruited into CPI (Maoist)party in late 2014 & Sagar very recently.
Shruthi is the daughter of Thangella Sudarshan, a teacher, Telangana poet and a serious activist of Telangana movement from the times of 1990. The whereabouts of Sagar are yet to know.
Vivek Kodamagundla (19 Years Old) an other serious fighter of telangana state was recently killed by the same telangana police in Telangana-Chattisgarh border!
Shame on you KCR, Shame on you bloody TRS.
You are killing our own Telanganites who fought more seriously than you for Telangana cause....
Long Live Thangella Shruthi & Vidya Sagar.
Long Live CPI Maoist Party. Long Live Revolution.
sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015
INDIA: Os maoístas destruien un camion de gasoil en Chhattisgarh.
New Delhi, 11.09.15
Un reporte de The Pioneer da conta dunha acción da guerrilla naxalita no Estado de Chhattisgarh.
Un camión cisterna de gasoil, propiedade da Constructora Patil con destino a Awapalli, foi detido polos guerrilleiros e posteriormente incendiado na carretera de Bijapur-Bhopalpattanm, quedando o trafico interrumpido por máis de cinco horas.
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015
INDIA: Declaracións do camarada Hem. Denuncia que foi torturado pola policía e afirma que loitar contra a inxustiza non é delito.
My arrest was an attempt to terrorise student community, says Hem Mishra
“Our system is scared of those (people) who raise their
voice against its injustice. It (system) is scared of the people’s
Students and activists, who expose failures of
governments, are viewed as a threat by the establishment and the state
wants to destroy this threat,” opined Mr. Hem Mishra, a student of
prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University after his release from the
Nagpur central jail on Tuesday.
Mr. Mishra was
arrested by the Maharashtra police in August 2013 on charge of being a
Maoist courier. The Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court granted him
conditional bail last week. He calls himself a “cultural and student
activist” and says that he was a victim of the “establishment’s
insecurity” with the voices against injustice which makes it target
those who expose its failures.
“I was never arrested
from Gadchiroli as claimed by the police. They (police) forcibly
detained me from Ballarashah railway station in Chandrapur district of
Maharashtra on August 20, 2013, and kept me in illegal detention for 80
hours. They inhumanly tortured me for the next 27 days and were forcing
me to accept a story created by them. I was going to Hemalkasa village
to meet Dr. Prakash Amte. I have no connections with the Maoists,” Mr.
Mishra told The Hindu after his release from jail.
‘Disturbing trend’
asked as to why the police branded him a Maoist, the JNU student said,
“We are witnessing a trend in India these days. Whoever raises his voice
against injustice or against the atrocities of the establishment, is
being branded Maoist. Every protest, be it against displacement,
deforestation or atrocities, is being crushed by labelling it as Maoist
sponsored. In my case, I was kept in jail for the the last 2 years and
19 days because I expressed my disagreement with injustice through my
songs and student protests.”
He also claimed that by
targeting him, the state wanted to send a signal to the student
community in India which is the mainstay of many protests.
main motto behind my arrest was to terrorise the student community in
India,” said Mr. Mishra. Asked about his future course of action which
includes a long legal battle and an incomplete course of the Chinese
language at the JNU, the cultural activist said that he was confident of
being acquitted.
“As far as protest against
injustice, I believe there is nothing illegal in it. Every citizen
should raise his voice against injustice and I will continue to do
that,” added Mr. Mishra, who was kept in the secluded “Anda cell” of
Nagpur central jail for more than a year. (TheIndu.com)
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015
MANIPUR: Revolta popular contra novas leis que permiten arrebatar as terras aos campesiños.
Imphal, 02.09.15
Por terceiro día, continuan os graves incidentes provocados pola aprobación de leis que permiten arrebatar as terras dos campesiños tribais e que ten deixado un saldo de oito persoas asasinadas pola policía e unha treintena de feridos, así como moitas vivendas e oficiñas pasto das lapas, dan conta medios informativos deste Estado ocupado pola India en 1949.
As autoridades indias, han declarado o toque de queda, maís estan a continuar as protestas e mesmo os ataques a vivendas dos membros do goberno estatal e a oficiñas gubernamentais en Churachandpur e Sadar Hills.
En Churachandpur no ataque a unha comisaria de polícia, a mesma disparou sobre os manifestantes matando a tres persoas, un deles un neno de dez anos.
Organizacions xuvenis teñen convocado un bandh (folga) indefinido dende onte, para protestar polos asasinatos e as novas leis ILP, tanto comercios coma escolas e universidades perrmanecen pechados. Un cuartel de policía, ainda por inaugurar, foi pasto das lapas en Komdong e reportase a paralización do trafico na carretera Imphal-Moreh e na autopista Trans Asia.
O gobernador do estado ten chamado a calma e mentras informase da chegada de fortes contixentes de policía militarizada.
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