Para dar un novo impulso na Galiza a campaña internacional en defensa do Camarada Ajith e demais Presos Políticos na India o noso comité ten previsto reforzar a mesma con novos cartazes, autocolantes e actividades por todo-lo país.
New Delhi, 27.10.15
Unidades do EGPL capturaron dous vehiculos perto da estacion de ferrocarrilKaikaluru-Bastida líñaKothavalasa-Kirandul(KK)o pasado 26 de octubro, informa TheNew IndianExpress.As fontes dixeronqueos maoístasrequisaron os séus teléfonos móviles ewalkie-talkies. Así mesmo uns 37 vehiculos e maquinarias, das obras da carreteraBhopalpatnam-Bhadrakali-Tarlagudaque conduceao estado deTelangana,foron destruidos polos maoístas, nun ataque a noite do sábado, no distrito de Bijapur, Chhattisgarh, informa o xornal Indianexpress. Neste mesmo estado un membro das CRPF morreu e outro resulto ferido, o domingo, nunha escaramuza con unidades do EGPL, perto do bosque de Maraiguda, a 450 kms da capital Raipur.
New Delhi, 23.10.15
Según un reporte do xornal TheNew IndianExpress, unha unidade do EGPL, de unha treintena de efectivos, detivo a un desertor e posibel colaborador das forzas represivas, na localidade Gandhipadar, no estado de Odisha o pasado día 21. O individuo identificado comoBhimaPodiami, fixo parte da guerrilla naxalita, ata sua rendición a policía no 2013. Descoñece-se a sua situación.
Máis dun centenar de recoñecidos escritores e intelectuais da India, teñen participado nunha manifestación, na capital, contra os asasinatos e ataques a escritores progresistas a mans de bandas ultra-hindúistas, propiciadas polo goberno reaccionario de Modi.
"A liberdade de expresión y de pensamento está a ser suprimida no país. O que acontece no país hoxe en día, é que as persoas
pertenecentes a minorías e castas sinten-se inseguros
", dixo un escritor na protesta. Moitos dos manifestantes portaban retratos do profesor M Kalburgt, asasinado o pasado veran a mans de extremistas hindúistas.Ao
principios deste mes, varios escritores teñen devolto seus premios,
para amosar sua protesta contra o aumento da intolerancia no
país informa o xornal The Hindu.
1. Today the world’s progress resides in the blood drop of laborious
people. But the labour world is suffering because of the utter poverty.
The labours crores in number are stuck in the bunch of problems without
having proper food and drinking water and are troubling for survival.
By the labour of Physical energy and mental capabilities of the
labour people are striving for the development and benefits of society
but they are not meeting the common amenities like two times meals a day
and are suffering internally not letting the fact to know others
without having abodes for them on the earth even though born on this
world being poorer. Most of them are united labours working in companies
and non united labours working in Towns and cities at labour addas and
non united agriculture labours working in rural areas in agricultural
field and there are so many of women labours who are working houses.
2. The Indian rulers who boast saying that they will do so much for
the labour people they are taking advantages over labour people showing
notes of rupees for votes and after they are breaking their words not
even solving least problems of labour people. Moreover by introducing
the commission agents giving some licences to exploit the labour people
resulting to be very poor.
3. India rulers and opposition parties leaving the problems of labour
people they are struggling themselves for political purposes, authority
making much ado fighting like animals in order to get authority
thrones. As they say they are public representatives the rulers are
striving hard for recovering their amounts which were spent on the
previous elections leaving the public welfare aside and trying to get to
stand in the next elections. The officers are under the influence of
these rulers have been amassing corruption money. These public
representatives and officers have not an intention of solving the public
problems, and have not an intention of development of public providing
them good livelihood.
4. The exploitation groups which exploit the labour people are
forming as parties participating in parliamentarian political business
and exploiting the same public who made them rulers as their
representatives. Rulers who turned to be businessmen they have made
politics is the thoroughfare for corrupted authority. Leaving the public
welfare scheme aside the public representatives are amassing black money committing open corruption.
5.Even if there are clashes among the Indian rulers that is ultimate
for seats of parliamentary only and all political parties and for the
promotions only but not for the wellbeing of labour people who are more
than 90% of total public. However how so many clashes are among them
they will unite as one under the limits of parliament and assembly house
through discussions. Even though the political business parties
are different but all the rulers are one. Even though the shapes are
different the exploitation is the same. The public funds which have to
be spent for development scheme are being utilized for their selfish
business purposes.
By misleading by convincing labour people in order to get their votes
the rulers will promise so many things before elections which cannot be
implemented and having elected those are breaking their words. With
help of votes of labour people and after having got authority they are
striving to implement schemes for development of exploitation groups and
killing the labour people who are fighting for livelihood of labour
people. Indian rulers by implementing the anti development programmes
for labour people and arguing that it is the democracy. Might it be
democracy to the exploitation groups but for the labour public it is
only false democracy. The new democracy labour people having sovereignty
over and which is meant for the development of labour public must have
to be achieved in India.
6. As per the labour acts the trade unions are to be independent and
stand on behalf of labour people and doing the people fights for
achievement of better livelihood but the leaders of trade unions in
India are striving for the selfish purposes of parliamentary and
political business parties by becoming tails to them leaving all the
labour public purposes and living with profitable politics. Not being
labour, having no Marxist ideas, men who belong to the ruling political
parties are becoming trade union leaders and are not concentrating on the labour problems because without having least knowledge about acts or unable to conduct labour fights are being made pans in chess game of different political parties. With a notion that today
that there are no trade unions in Indian labour class fights with ideas
of Marxism AIFLU is trying to get rid of this insufficiency.
7. With an attitude of labour people fight the communist parties were
to continue the Telangana Sayuda Raitanga Poratam to take over the
authority of state even though the people forced to do so. And by the
result the fight movement went into the revisionist activities. And
accordingly the affiliated trade unions have left with labour fight
movements turned to be political venues.
8. In the attitude of Indian parliament various communist parties
have made the labours to be nerveless and turned to be advantageous to
the capitalist system. They having amended the Marxism and extracted out
the essence of revolution. They have turned to be servants to the
Burjuva and became agents to their political ends.
9. To motivate labour revolution and to have that calibers to monitor
for the development of revolutionary principles and for that
achievement must have worn the armor of Marxism. That should be taken
into labour fight movement and after that the fight movement should be
motivated with the socialist ideas. Without labour domination and
without realizing the social revolution it is impossible to root out the
exploitation on labour work and it is impossible to achieve socialism.
10.In India the labour people are being exploited by the two major
exploitation ways. One is that who are united labours working in
factories and the other who are non‐united working labour at Addas in
Towns and cities are being exploited.
11. United labours:‐ The lakhs of united labours in India are mainly
working in the large scale industries, medium scale, and small
industries in main cities and striving for the development activities of
production taking a major role. When the labour do not attend their
duties, the machines are to be stopped and by the result there must
occur so much loss without production, the management is not giving that
much importance to that much which is given to their machines.
The labour people are striving too hard as much machines do and
making the production value of crores of rupees but the labour people
are being paid very meager salaries which is not sufficient for their
monthly expenses and awaiting for next month’s salaries leading their
lives whether to live or die. Not even they are getting compensation in
the event of losing their limbs or lose their lives in accidents while
their duties. Throughout the world all the labour people are being
deceived of their labour. The AIFLU is motivating making them to
participate in the labour fight movements by uniting them.
12. Contract labours: Some of the labours who are working under the
managements of industries all over India and the some others are working
under the contractors who are appointed by the management. These labour
cannot get sufficient salaries and can be removed at any time, and no
insurances are applicable in their case. The payments are given to them
by the contractors only and not by the management. The rulers have made
the labour acts constricted to the papers only and implemented the acts
which are to be helpful to the managements and exploiting contractors.
To control the anti labour acts the AIFLU has united these labour
13.Un united labours: ‐ Building construction labours like Tapi
Mestries, spade workers, sentry labours, plumbers, electrical , housing
workers, painters, etc., auto rickshaw labours, rickshaw labours, (
goods rickshaw labour, municipal rickshaw labours) , Beedi labours,
house keeping workings, Hamali wokers, stone crusher labours, municipal
sanitation labours etc. These workers have no work guarantee and there
is no confidence they may get work every day. To them it is troublesome
even to get work. And after completion of the work it is too hard to get
their wages. They have been deceived, threatened, attacked most of the
incidents when they ask for their wages for work done.
For the women labour there is no safety at all. If any accidents
happened in their duties and lost their lives there is less chance of
getting any compensations. These non‐united labours are not meeting two
times meals a day and leading very miserable and poor lives. These
labour are being exploited by the contractors are falling prey to the
appetite and diseases. There are so many acts in order to protect them
and their purposes but the all the schemes are not being implemented
leading them to the drastic desperate positions. These un united labours
are being united by the organizers and divided them from the political,
ruling party unions the AIFLU has integrated them by making them to
participate in the leadership fight movements for the better livelihood.
14. Women labours:‐ The Indian women labour are taking the major role
in all the sectors by striving for the development of our society
values still they have been falling prey to the fascist culture, and
“manudharma” male chauvinist bonds and suffering from mental and
physical tortures. The women are treated as a children productive
machine and servant to men as thing that give sexual desires and in this
way the women are being dominated by men suffering from all their
tortures. Some selfish persons for their selfish ends they have been
showing the obscenity over women in their cinemas and in some of their
TV serials and by the result their effect should be on the society and
their values are being thrown on the road like cutting the throats under
the presence of many persons and are showing acid attacks.
Women are being deceived and murdered. There so many acts of
protection and purposes for women but all are not allowed to be
implemented and are being constricted to the papers only. Although the
married life is equal to men and women but in the name of dowry taking
thousands of lakhs of rupees, and bridegroom is being sold out for lakh
of rupees and under the feet of sold out person the women have to do
slavery is being supported by the Indian rulers under the disguise of
traditions and left with the idea of dowry prohibition. By the result
the labour women are being harassed and are being fell prey to the dowry
The labour world is now on the lit up furnace of dowry. But the
Indian rulers are not yet implementing the dowry prohibition act. Not
even publishing this. In the patriarch Manudhrarma male chauvinist
society there is no protection to women at all. To get the freedom from
the patriarch male chauvinist society it is then only possible when the
states without discrimination and having no inequalities of social,
community, and economical and the labour dominating states should be
established and then only it is possible. The AIFLU is integrating all
these women unions with a solution in order to achieve their rights and
is undertaking the labour fight movements for the better livelihood.
15. Agriculture labour: India is basically an agriculture country but
even though not only it is not implementing any acts for the
development of agriculture labours but also obstructing them so that
they cannot cultivate crops in their fields. Not only not providing the
sufficient seeds not available at the time of seeding but also not
giving the sufficient prices for the grains out their crops. With the
result of not providing them with agricultural loans the agricultural
labours have to approach the private money lenders for loans and without
getting reasonable prices for their yields as they could not repay
their loans many of them have been committing suicidal consuming
And becoming labours by disposing off their agriculture lands. Once
in the past the formers have opted to get heavy yields having come to
the opinion with indifference that how so much the crop yield there is
not benefit. While their yields are being exploited by the mediators at
the market yards the rulers are deceiving the farmers of their lands
with name of SEZ ( Special Economic Zone) like the black acts have been
implemented the lakhs of acres of lands have been grabbed by the
The proposal of Thermal Electricity Plants which is opposed with
agricultural labours is being tried the police have killed those
agriculture labours. The AIFLU is integrating all these farmer labour by
the name of Agricultural Labour Federation for the solution of
achieving their rights and is undertaking the labour fight movements for
their better livelihood.
16. Fights of nationality: For Self respect of Nationality, freedom
the AIFLU has been giving the support the freedom fights of national and
international fights.
17. Castes ‐ Religions: Most of the Indian people are slaves,
labours, the castes are the creation of Hindu Religious Manudharma. As
per the Manudharma the Brahmins are born from the mouth of Brahma, the
Kshatriyas born from the shoulders of Brahma, the Vysyas born from the
naval of Brahma, and the Shudras born from the legs of Brahma. With
combination of shudra male and the Brahmin female born children are
called Ashprushas. The Shudras are ‐ Gouds, Mangali, Yadavs, Raos,
Reddys and Kapus and others.
The ashprushas are – Mala Madiga and their sub castes. As much as the
truth is that nobody can be born out of mouth and it is same as truth
castes cannot be survived. The unable Brahmans who cannot participate in
the production works they have lived have been chanting the mantras.
Those are the only Brahmins who have been protecting these castes and
the hatreds between the castes. For the development of labour people
that there are reservation are provided in the Indian constitution by
the pattern of caste but not by the economical grounds now the caste
system in use at least. Now a days the leaders of Caste societies are
taking the responsibility after the Brahmins protecting the caste
These are conducting the meetings of Panchayats have been collecting
money thousands of rupees from the labour people with name fines. In
this way the casteism transactions having with authority or not having
the authority they have been working on the basis of caste.
Some of them are canvassing by publishing through media that like
people of this caste must cast their votes to particular party only. In
the name of caste they have been making the own benefits but not trying
to solve out their common problems. Not only they are not supporting the
inter caste marriages but also they are fighting that their caste is
the greater one than others they are making them fight each other and by
the they trying to divide the couple. In some of the cases they
happened to the inter caste couples to depart.
As Dr. Ambedkar said that on the caste pattern neither a nation nor
ethics cannot be constructed. The caste societies must have removed the
castes out from the society but not construct the castes. The labour
union people who are being divided on the basis of casteism by the
manudharma psyches of casteism the AIFLU is uniting these labour people
and taking participation their labour unions. In the labour dominating
socialist state the caste system will be eradicated. The forward castes
have been committed attacks over the backwards castes the AIFLU will
condemn all of those. In India the Hindu religious psyches will commit
any attacks on the minority religions the AIFLU will certainly protest
against it.
18. The fights movements for Separate State: At the every corner of
this Indian society no justice is done to us. The funds, rights , and
resources of our region when some people of other regions are predating
and stealing people of any region are conducting agitations for the
separate state the AIFLU will certainly support their fights. In Andhra
Pradesh the AIFLU is supporting the separate Telangana State Movement,
separate Andhra state, and separate Rayalaseema state achievement fight
19. The AIFLU also support the democratic fight movements either national or international.
20. According with the integration of all these things in the
manifesto to the labour, cultivators, and women labour the AIFLU has
given memberships.
The AIFLU is flourished! Marxism‐Leninism‐ Labour class fights will be flourished !! All Indian labours are to be united! We should fight for the State of labour domination without having social, communal, and economical inequalities !!
New Delhi, 09.10.15
Un reporte da axencia IANS da conta dun enfrentamento entre unidades do Exercito Guerrilleiro Popular de Liberación e mercenarios da Forza de Tarefas Especiais do Estado de Chhattisgarh no distrito de Sukma. No mesmo resultaron feridos tres membros da policia estatal. O distrito Sukma de Chhattisgarh é un bastión dos insurxentes do Partido Comunista da India (Maoísta) e fai parte do enorme pasillo vermello de Este ao Centro e Sur da India.
O Telangana Democratic Front (TDF), orgaización de fronte que agrupa a partidos políticos e organizacions de masas, de esquerda e revolucionarias, ten convocado un Bandh (folga xeral) no Estado de Telangana, para o 10 de octubro, en protesta polos asasinatos, en falsos encontros coa policía, de dirixentes maoístas e contra a onda de desesperados suicidios dos campesiños pobres.
Hundreds of activists from Left parties and other mass organisations
across Telangana were arrested on Wednesday to halt their march to the
state assembly to protest killing of two Maoists by police.
Leaders and workers of various organisations were detained in
different districts to prevent them from heading to Hyderabad for
participating in the march called by the Telangana Democratic Front
Academician Chuka Ramaiah was kept under house arrest in Hyderabad but he said arrests will not stop the movement.
The assembly building in the heart of the city virtually turned into a
fortress as police imposed restrictions on all roads leading towards
the assembly. A large number of policemen were deployed in the area to
prevent protesters.
Tension prevailed at Osmania University as students gathered on the
campus to march in violation of the prohibitory orders imposed by
police. Policemen in riot gear were deployed at the gates to prevent
students from coming out.
Scores of students and their leaders were arrested at Osmania University and Nizam College hostels since Tuesday night.
Police denied permission to the march on the ground that Maoists may participate in it and indulge in violence.
Those arrested in districts like Warangal, Khammam, Mahabubnagar, Karimnagar, Medak and Nalgonda include women and students.
Raising slogan against the government and calling for an end to “fake
encounters”, the protesters took out rallies in different parts of the
Communist Party of India-Marxist Telangana state secretary T.
Veerabhadram said 3,000 to 4,000 activists were arrested across the
state. He termed the arrests as undemocratic.
Maoists Shruthi and Vidyasagar were killed near Medaram of Warangal
district on September 16. It was the first such killing after the
formation of separate Telangana state last year.
Terming it as a “fake encounter”, 370 organisations, including 10
left parties and the groups which fought for separate Telangana state,
have come together under the banner of TDF to condemn the killings. It
is demanding probe by a sitting judge.
While denying permission for ‘chalo assembly’, police said it was
reliably learnt that TDF was formed at the instance of CPI-Maoist and
the programme was being organised in support of its cause and the
Police apprehened that Maoist cadres, supporters, sympathisers and
activists of all mass organisations of CPI-Maoist from Telangana,
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Andhra-Odisha border will reach Hyderabad in large numbers and indulge in large scale violence.