viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018
miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018
martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018
ITALIA: O antropologo galego Adolfo Naya presenta seu libro en lingua italiana en Milan.
Milan, 15.12.18
O antropologo social Adolfo Naya presentou, no marco do Mitin Internacional de Solidariedade coa revolución indiana, o pasado día 8, a versión en lingua italiana do seu libro A operación Green Hunt na India.
O compañeiro Adolfo Naya, agradeceu aos compañeiros e compañeiras do Comité de apoio a Guerra Popular na India de Italia e a editorial Citta del Sole, pola traducion e publicacion do seu libro ao italiano, mais pola oportunidade de presentalo no Mitin en Milán.

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018
viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018
viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018
Galiza: Eu também som um "naxalita urbano". Un artigo do compañeiro Adolfo Naya para o Galizalivre
Um espectro ronda a Índia: o espectro do maoísmo. Todas as forças reacionárias da Índia unem-se numa Santa Aliança para conjurá-lo. Lembramos a célebre frase inicial do Manifesto Comunista (1848), do qual este ano comemoramos o 170 aniversário, para reivindicar aos maoístas indianos, conhecidos como naxalitas, como continuadores desse comunismo do que falavam Marx e Engels.
As forças reacionárias da Índia, encabeçadas pelo Primeiro Ministro Modi e o seu hinduísmo fascista, a burguesia compradora e burocrática apoiada pelo imperialismo, estão a realizar uma ofensiva a grande escala para tentar “ilhar ao peixe da água” e cortar lhe o apoio a guerrilha maoísta nas cidades, devido ao rápido crescimento do maoísmo e a sua influência sobre uma significativa parte da população da Índia.
Esta onda repressiva também tenta de eliminar a todos os que se oponham as suas políticas de extermínio contra Adivasis, Dalits, muçulmanos e os povos de Cachemira, Assam e Manipur. Isto faz que qualquer que critica essas políticas poda ser chamado “naxalita urbano”. Uma prova disto, são as últimas detenções o 28 de agosto de 2018 dos advogados Arun Ferreira e Sudha Bharadwaj, o poeta e intelectual Varavara Rao, o intelectual e defensor dos direitos humanos Gautam Navlakha e o ativista Vernon Gonsalves. Somasse as do dia 6 de junho, onde eram detidos o advogado Surendra Gadling; o ativista dos direitos dos Dalits, Sudhir Dhawale; a professora Shoma Sen, o sindicalista camponês Mahesh Raut e o defensor de direitos humanos Rona Wilson.
Más depois desta intensificação da repressão, baixo o lema #MeeTooUrbanNaxal uma grande campanha de solidariedade, encabeçada pela conhecida escritora Arundathi Roy, está a lutar pela libertação dos e das prisioneiras políticas e o fim das políticas de extermínio.
Quando o governo hinduísta fascista de Modi está a espalhar ódio, repressão e destruição, enchendo os bosques de criminais e assassinos, numa política de genocídio contra da “povoação rebelde”, os povos Adivasis e Dalits no campo, organizados pelo Partido Comunista da Índia (maoísta), estão a construir côa guerra popular um novo poder. Os governos populares e os comitês populares revolucionários são verdadeiros exemplos de desenvolvimento e de autênticas democracias.
O modelo naxalita de desenvolvimento prevê que toda a riqueza do país permaneça nele, gerando trabalhos para os moradores locais e que não seja espoliada para o exterior. A revolução agrária é a primeira medida a ser adotada, provendo terra para as trabalhadoras e trabalhadores sem terra para que não sejam necessários os arrendamentos. As terras não vêm de cortar árvores ou destruir o médio ambiente, se não que vêm da ocupação de grandes latifundiários. Também são contrários aos usos de produtos químicos prejudiciais para a saúde das e dos trabalhadores, além de torná-los escravos de grandes empresas que vendem os produtos, como ocorreu na Revolução Verde na Índia.
Eles tentam combinar inovações técnicas e cientificas com as formas ancestrais de trabalho comunitário típico de muitas comunidades Adivasis, permitindo um entendimento mais próximo com o conceito de trabalho desenvolvido pelos povos Adivasis e que em nada se assemelha com a imposição capitalista de trabalho.
O movimento naxalita desenvolve projetos para atender as necessidades básicas dos Adivasis e Dalits como terra, irrigação, educação e saúde, algo que o governo não faz, assim como devolver a dignidade e orgulho de povos e castas desumanizadas e construir a igualdade entre seres humanos fora da exploração e opressão capitalista e patriarcal.
Outro dos trabalhos mais importantes é a luta contra o patriarcado e por uma verdadeira emancipação da mulher. As mulheres compõem o 60% da guerrilha naxalita em todas as suas estruturas, dendê combatentes ate a direção, dando um exemplo mais da sua capacidade organizativa e de luta.
O intelectual comunista Muraleedharan K, conhecido como Ajith – encarcerado dendê o 2015-, numa entrevista para uma publicação em contra da Operação “Cacería Verde” dizia:
“Mas aqui, numa grande parte da Índia, os povos Adivasis estão a fazer do controle da terra, os recursos e a sociedade uma realidade a través da luta. Isto é uma luta imediata para acabar côa exploração, a opressão dos movimentos agressivos das grandes empresas e o Estado. Mas ainda más importante, é a luta a longo prazo onde se projeta um tipo diferente de viver.
Que é esta vida? Desenvolvimento sustentável; educação amigável das pessoas; emancipação da mulher; a cessação da dominação e a pilhagem dos exploradores estrangeiros e índios; uma nova cultura que reconstruí as tradições Adivasis de novo, em lugar de burlar se deles. O feito é que todo isto está a ser criado por povos Adivasis que são desprezados como “primitivos” pela chamada corrente principal da sociedade. Os “cara atrás” estão a ensinar aos “cara a adiante”(…). A motivação que isto poderia dar aos numerosos sectores oprimidos e explorados no país, é uma ameaça real para os governantes. Deixar de lado ou minimizar esta significação política e limitar a resistência á defensa de recursos e direitos humanos Adivasis não é bom”.
Por isso, eu também sou um “naxalita urbano” não só pela solidariedade internacionalista e de classe com um verdadeiro movimento comunista revolucionário; se não porque são o futuro e presente duma nova sociedade sem classes, castas, racismo e patriarcado, que é a única que pode salvar a humanidade inteira da destruição produzida pelo capitalismo na sua superior etapa, o imperialismo.
miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018
UE:Senra solicita á UE a suspensión dos acordos vixentes ca India até que cese a represión contra activistas
Senra solicita á UE a suspensión dos acordos vixentes ca India até que cese a represión contra activistas
* Nove eurodeputadas/os subscriben unha carta a F. Mogherini para denunciar o ataque contra activistas polos dereitos humanos na India
* Esta iniciativa súmase ás misivas enviadas anteriormente á Vicepresidenta da CE e ó Presidente do PE, e ao rexistro de dúas preguntas parlamentarias
Estrasburgo, 12 de Setembro do 2018. A eurodeputada galega do Grupo Confederal da Esquerda Unitaria Europea/Esquerda Verde Nórdica (GUE/NGL), Lídia Senra, vén de promover unha carta enviada hoxe á Alta Representante da Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores e Política de Seguridade, Federica Mogherini, na que insta ao ente comunitario a suspender tódolos acordos co Goberno indio “ata que as activistas polos dereitos humanos sexan liberadas/os e se poña fin á persecución contra os pobos Adivasi, Dalits, minorías relixiosas, pobos de Cachemira e Manipur”. No seu escrito pide tamén a inmediata liberación do profesor GN Saibaba e das activistas -poetas, escritores/as, directores/as de cine, profesores/as…- Susan Abraham, Varavara Rao, Stan Swamy, Anand Teltumbde, Gautam Navlakha, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, Surendra Gadling, Shoma Sen, Sudhir Dhawle, Rona Wilson e Mahesh Raut. As eurodeputadas do GUE/NGL Ángela Vallina, Paloma López e Merja Killonen, e as deputadas/os socialistas Ana Gomes, Clara Aguilera, Ciprian T?n?sescu, Claude Moraes e Julie Ward asinan tamén a esta iniciativa para condenar as detencións o pasado 28 de agosto de cinco defensoras/es dos dereitos humanos na India.
Actualmente, a controvertida Lei de Prevención de Actividades Ilegais (Unlawful Activities Prevntion Act, UAPA) permite o arresto indefinido de calquera persoa que o Goberno indio considere sospeitosa de querer ir contra o Estado. “Estas detencións engádense á continua e implacable represión por parte do Goberno sobre a voz e aspiracións democráticas do pobo indio”, alerta a eurodeputada galega no escrito dirixido á tamén Vicepresidenta da Comisión Europea, Federica Mogherini. De feito, hoxe mesmo deuse a coñecer a prologación ata o vindeiro 17 de setembro do arresto domiciliario das persoas detidas no mes de agosto.
Tamén para esta semana, o venres 14 de setembro, está convocada a vista de apelación do profesor GN Saibaba, logo de ter sido suspendida até en sete ocasións, o que significa de facto a extensión da súa condena até que se permita celebrar esta vista.
No texto enviado á Alta Representante da Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores e Política de Seguridade as eurodeputadas/os recollen, asemade, a preocupación manifestada publicamente por organizacións como Amnistía Internacioal ou a ONU, ao tempo que lle lembran que a propia Mogherini, na respostas proporcionada á pregunta parlamentaria rexistrada por Lídia Senra no ano 2016, admitiu que a Delegación da UE en Nova Delhi ten feito chamamentos por motivos humanitarios á Comisión Nacional de Dereitos Humanos. “¿Como pode a Comisión Europea ter contactos e acordos cun goberno que defende que hai persoas de primeira e de segunda clase, mata indiscriminadamente a Adivasis e Dalits, ataca minorías relixiosas e mete no cárcere a activistas de dereitos humanos?”.
O clima de tensión e denuncia na India está a ser cada vez máis pronunciado e acadando unha maior difusión internacional. Mostra desta visibilización foi por exemplo a repercusión do hastag #MeTooUrbanNaxalite logo das detencións producidas a finais de agosto, e a través do cal se está a dinamizar unha vaga de solidariedade e denuncia da violencia ca que o goberno do Primeiro Ministro Narendra Modi actúa contra quenes apoian a loita polos dereitos humanos e sociais na India, nomeadamente dos pobos Adivasis e Dalits, e no marco dunha dura ofensiva por parte de grandes poderes económicos indios e internacionais para facerse co control dos recursos naturais existentes nas zonas nas que vive esta parte da poboación.
Ao longo desta lexislatura, a eurodeputada galega ten denunciado en varias ocasións a escalada de represión que está a ter lugar na India. A carta enviada hoxe vense engadir a unha primeira misiva enviada a Mogherini en marzo de 2017, ás dúas preguntas parlamentarias rexistradas no ano 2016[1] e 2017[2] pedindo unha maior implicación das institucións comunitarias na defensa da popular escritora Arundhati Roy e do profesor universitario GN Saibaba -encarcerado acusado de “terrorista” pese a ter o 90% do seu corpo paralizado- e á carta enviada ao Presidente do Parlamento Europeo, Antonio Tajani, para expresar a súa preocupación pola presenza no PE da Ministra de Asuntos Exteriores da India, Sushma Swaraj, o pasado mes de xuño con motivo do Día Internacional do Ioga.
[1]Encarceramento de G.N. Saibaba e proceso contra Arundhati Roy: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+WQ+E-2016-001822+0+DOC+XML+V0//ES&language=es
[2]Cadea perpetua do profesor G. N. Saibaba: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+WQ+E-2017-006242+0+DOC+XML+V0//ES&language=es
jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018
miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018
Galiza: Dende o Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India mostramos a nosa máis enérxica condena as detencións dos activistas!!!
Dende o Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra
Popular na India mostramos a nosa máis enérxica condena as detencións dos
activistas e das activistas Susan Abraham, Varavara
Rao, Kranthi Thekula, Father Stan Swamy, Anand Teltumbde, Gautam Navlakha,
Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira, e facemos un chamado as
organizacións políticas, sindicais e de masas progresistas e democráticas, a
amosar publicamente o seu rexeitamento desta nova onda de detencións dos
activistas ao servizo do pobo por parte do réxime fascista azafrán de Modi.
Reclamamos a liberdade inmediata de todos e
todas as detidas, así como dos activistas detidos en xuño Surendra Gadling,
Rona Wilson, Sudhir Dhawale, Shoma Sen and Mahesh Raut e do profesor GN
From the Galician Committee for Supporting the People's War in India
we show our strongest condemnation of the arrests of activists
Susan Abraham, Varavara Rao, Kranthi Thekula, Father Stan Swamy,
Anand Teltumbde, Gautam Navlakha, Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira,
and we call political organizations, trade unions and progressive
and democratic masses, publicly displaying their rejection of this new wave
of arrests of activists at the service of the people
by the fascist saffron regime of Modi.
We urge the immediate release of all detainees,
as well as the activists arrested in June
Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson, Sudhir Dhawale,
Shoma Sen and Mahesh Raut, and
Professor GN Saibaba!
martes, 28 de agosto de 2018
Urxente!!! O Estado terrorista da India detén a varios activistas defensores dos dereitos humanos
State-Terrorism Alert
Waging lawfare on democratic rights
"Police teams from different states are reported to have launched simultaneous raids at the homes of several people in Mumbai, Delhi, Ranchi, Goa and Hyderabad, including activists, priests, writers and lawyers. Human rights advocate Sudha Bharadwaj’s home was also raided and she was taken into custody this morning. Among those whose residences were raided, according to sources, were Susan Abraham, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, Kranthi Tekula, Varavara Rao, Father Stan Swamy, Anand Teltumbde and Gautam Navlakha. A relative of Varavara Rao confirmed that his daughter Anala and son-in-law KV Kurmanath’s house had also been raided. A relative of Abraham said, 'Susan and Arun are defending the accused in the Bhima-Koregaon violence of last January.'
Those arrested included human rights lawyer from Nagpur Surendra Gadling, Dalit rights activist and journalist Sudhir Dhawale, former Prime Minister Rural Development fellow Mahesh Raut, Rona Wilson and Shoma Sen, associate professor from Nagpur University.
The raids began on Tuesday morning and were continuing at the time of writing this. According to sources, laptops, phones and other material was seized from some of the residences. A contingent from Vishrambag police station in Pune, which is investigating the Bhima-Koregaon violence, is part of the raids. There is no confirmation yet why the raids were carried out on such a scale simultaneously."
"News is coming from various quarters that there are simultaneous police raids on the houses of activists in Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Goa and Ranchi. Till now, the houses of Arun Ferreira, Vernon Gonsalves, Kranthi Tekula, KV Kurmanath, Gautam Navlakha, Adv. Susan Abraham, Varavara Rao, EFLU Professor K Satyanarayana, Stan Swamy, Kaasim (Revolutionary Writers Assocation-ViRaSam) and Anand Teltumbde are being raided. Looks like another cock and bull 'Maoist cell busted' story in making." ~ Gutta Rohith
// From 6 am onwards, the Maharasthra police raided and searched father Stan Swamy's place in Ranchi. Through the search operations, they confiscated several items like computers, laptop, CDs, papers and books. He was also quizzed about some organisations in Maharasthtra.
Just received a message that the Pune cops are simultaneously raiding Arun Ferreira's and Susan Abraham and Vernon Gonsalves's residences in Mumbai, Gautam Navlakha's house in Delhi, and Anand Teltumbde's house in Goa. In Hyderabad, Varavara Rao's and Kranthi Tekula's and Varavara Rao's daughter Anala and journalist Kurmanath's house are also being raided. All under the Bhima-Koregaon charade. //
"You will not be able to silence any of us.
You will not be able to crush us.
Waging lawfare on democratic rights
"Police teams from different states are reported to have launched simultaneous raids at the homes of several people in Mumbai, Delhi, Ranchi, Goa and Hyderabad, including activists, priests, writers and lawyers. Human rights advocate Sudha Bharadwaj’s home was also raided and she was taken into custody this morning. Among those whose residences were raided, according to sources, were Susan Abraham, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, Kranthi Tekula, Varavara Rao, Father Stan Swamy, Anand Teltumbde and Gautam Navlakha. A relative of Varavara Rao confirmed that his daughter Anala and son-in-law KV Kurmanath’s house had also been raided. A relative of Abraham said, 'Susan and Arun are defending the accused in the Bhima-Koregaon violence of last January.'
Those arrested included human rights lawyer from Nagpur Surendra Gadling, Dalit rights activist and journalist Sudhir Dhawale, former Prime Minister Rural Development fellow Mahesh Raut, Rona Wilson and Shoma Sen, associate professor from Nagpur University.
The raids began on Tuesday morning and were continuing at the time of writing this. According to sources, laptops, phones and other material was seized from some of the residences. A contingent from Vishrambag police station in Pune, which is investigating the Bhima-Koregaon violence, is part of the raids. There is no confirmation yet why the raids were carried out on such a scale simultaneously."
"News is coming from various quarters that there are simultaneous police raids on the houses of activists in Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Goa and Ranchi. Till now, the houses of Arun Ferreira, Vernon Gonsalves, Kranthi Tekula, KV Kurmanath, Gautam Navlakha, Adv. Susan Abraham, Varavara Rao, EFLU Professor K Satyanarayana, Stan Swamy, Kaasim (Revolutionary Writers Assocation-ViRaSam) and Anand Teltumbde are being raided. Looks like another cock and bull 'Maoist cell busted' story in making." ~ Gutta Rohith
// From 6 am onwards, the Maharasthra police raided and searched father Stan Swamy's place in Ranchi. Through the search operations, they confiscated several items like computers, laptop, CDs, papers and books. He was also quizzed about some organisations in Maharasthtra.
Just received a message that the Pune cops are simultaneously raiding Arun Ferreira's and Susan Abraham and Vernon Gonsalves's residences in Mumbai, Gautam Navlakha's house in Delhi, and Anand Teltumbde's house in Goa. In Hyderabad, Varavara Rao's and Kranthi Tekula's and Varavara Rao's daughter Anala and journalist Kurmanath's house are also being raided. All under the Bhima-Koregaon charade. //
"You will not be able to silence any of us.
You will not be able to crush us.
However hard you try."
jueves, 21 de junio de 2018
UE: As Europarlamentarias Lidia Senra e Julie Ward, protestan contra a presencia da Ministra de Exteriores da India.
As Europarlamentarias Lidia Senra e Julie Ward, protestan ao Presidente do Parlamento Europeo pola presencia da Ministra de Exteriores da India. Así mesmo denunciaron as detencións de Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson, Sudhir Dhawale, Shoma Sen, Mahesh Raut, así como a situación de extrema gravidade do Profesor GN Saibaba.
Dear President of the European Parliament,
We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, regret the presence of the Minister of External Affairs of India, Mrs. Sushma Swaraj, on the International Day of Yoga in the European Parliament tomorrow, Thursday 21th. Indian government does not respect human rights, it does not allow people to have the same rights, it indiscriminately kills Adivasis and Dalits communities and religious minorities such as Muslim or Christian, and it imprisons human rights defenders.
The presence of the Minister of External Affairs of India, Mrs. Sushma Swaraj, may jeopardize the good name of the European Parliament as a guarantor of the defense of human rights.
We condemn the arrests made by Maharashtra police in the early morning of June 6, 2018 of:
• Surendra Gadling, human rights lawyer and general secretary of the Indian Association of Peopleʹs Lawyers, which has represented activists and others arrested on fabricated charges.
• Rona Wilson, member of the Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners,
which has campaigned against the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act and other repressive laws.
• Sudhir Dhawale, Dalit rights activist and the editor of the Marathi magazine ʹVidrohiʹ.
• Shoma Sen, professor at Nagpur University.
• Mahesh Raut, land rights activist.
Regarding the words of Aakar Patel, Executive Director Amnesty International India: ʹThese arrests are a matter of grave concern. Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson, Sudhir Dhawale, Shoma Sen and Mahesh Raut have a history of working to protect the rights of some of Indiaʹs most marginalized people. Their arrests raise disturbing questions about whether they are being targeted for their activism. Anyone arrested for legitimately exercising their right to freedom of expression must be released immediately and unconditionally.ʹ
During the current European Parliament term, two written questions have been addressed to the European Commission regarding the situation of the Indian teacher GN Saibaba.
He has a 90% physical disability, aggravated in recent months with acute pancreatitis, and was recommended the removal of his gallbladder. Because of this, this life imprisonment sentence is actually a death sentence for this professor, who has done nothing but defend the rights of the Adivasis and Dalits people with words, as well as denounce the counterinsurgency strategy ʹOperation Green Huntʹ.
The answers given by Vice-President Mogherini on behalf of the European Commission were the following: ʹThe EU has been closely following cases of human rights defenders arrested in India, including the cases of professor Saibaba, accused of having links with Naxal militants, and of Ms. Arundathi Roy, accused of contempt of court for her article defending the cause of Professor Saibaba.
The EU Delegation in New Delhi has made appeals on humanitarian grounds with the National Human Rights Commission. The EU attaches great importance to the issues at stake, most importantly to the freedom of expression, the right to a fair trial and the rights of human rights defenders. These issues are also addressed at the EU-India human rights dialogue.ʹ ʹThe EU continues to follow the case of professor Saibaba convicted by sessions court in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra in March 2017.
As Professor Saibaba lodged an appeal against the verdict with the Nagpur High Court, the case is still sub judice. The EU has been raising the case on humanitarian grounds with the Indian authorities.ʹ How can the European Parliament allow the presence of a Minister of a Government that defends that there are first and second humans, indiscriminately kills the Adivasis, Dalits and religious minoritiesʹ population and that imprison human rights activists? We urge the cancellation of the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of India, Mrs. Sushma Swaraj, in the European Parliamient and demands the immediate release of Prof. GN Saibaba, Advocate Surendra Gadling, Prof Shoma Sen, Sudhir Dhawle, Rona Wilson Mahesh Raut and all human rights defenders in India.
MEP Lídia Senra
MEP Julie Ward
20th of June 2018
viernes, 8 de junio de 2018
Galiza: Liberdade inmediata para Rona Wilson, Surendra Gadling, Sudhir Dhawale, Prof. Soma Sen e Mahesh Raut !!

Dende o Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India facemos un enerxico chamado as organizacións políticas, sindicais e de masas progresistas e democráticas, a amosar publicamente o seu rexeitamento desta nova onda de detencións dos activistas ao servizo do pobo por parte do rexime fascista azafran de Modi.
Mesmo tentan por medio dunha carta, probas sembradas pola policía, no domicilio do camarada Rona Wilson, vencellalos a un proxecto de atentado contra o premier reaccionario Narendra Modi
Liberdade inmediata de todolos detidos !
miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018
India: Asociacions democraticas condean o arresto do dirixente campones Alik Chakraborty
Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisation (CDRO)
Press Release
1st June 2018
Condemns the arrest of Alik Chakraborty
Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisation (CDRO) strongly condemns the arrest of the leader of the Bhangar anti-power grid peasantsʹ movement and spokesperson of the Bhangar Land, Livelihood, Environment and Ecology Protection Committee, Alik Chakraborty, from Bhubaneshwar on 31.05.2018 by a team of the West Bengal police. Alik has been suffering from life-theratening ailments for quite some time and had gone to Kalinga Hospital in Bhubaneshwar to receive treatment when he was arrested by West Bengal police. It is condemnable that the leader of a peoplesʹ movement was arrested in this heinous manner when he had gone to receive medical treatment.
Recent events suggest that Chakrabortyʹs arrest is driven by the ruling partyʹs inability to accept the decision of the villagers of Bhangar in the panchayat elections as five independent candidates supported by the Bhangar Land, Livelihood, Environment and Ecology Protection Committee won the panchayat seats. This success has happened in spite of severe repression by the ruling party, including firing on rallies, forcible prevention of filing election nomination and kidnapping of family members of candidates. It appears that every democratic right of the people of Bhangar has been violated over the last one and half year by active machinations of the West Bengal government and ruling party of West Bengal.And when this has not been able to dampen or destroy the democratic movement of the people of Bhangar, the government has clamped down by arresting Alik Chakraborty, the spokesperson of the movement.
The Bhangar peasantsʹ movement is continuing for the last one and half years demanding the stopping of the high-tension power grid which is being constructed in the area. More than thirty thousand peasants from 10-12 villages are involved in this movement against the construction of the powergrid which has been done in the most undemocratic and non-transparent manner. None of the provisions of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 has been followed in the land acquisition process for the power grid. Instead, land has been forcibly acquired at gun point by land mafia allied to the ruling party in West Bengal. When the villagers have protested against this they have faced severe state repression which has already taken three live, two of villagers who were killed in police firing in January 2017 and one who was recently killed by firing from goons of the ruling party in the run up to the West Bengal panchayat elections. Hundreds of cases have been lodged against villagers and activists including under Arms Act, Rioting Act and also Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). When the validity of application of UAPA against activists of peoplesʹ movement was challenged in the Honʹble Calcutta High Court, the activists charged under UAPA were released on bail. The case is still pending in the High Court. Currently four activists of the Bhangar Movement Solidarity Committee are in jail under multiple false cases, three of whom got bail in all their cases just yesterday.
It is reprehensible that instead of opening a dialogue with the people of Bhangor regarding their legitimate concerns, which has been their longstanding demand, the West Bengal government has chosen to adopt the path of repression to arrest and persecute the activists of a peoplesʹ movement.
CDRO demands that:
Alik Chakraborty be released immediately and all care should be taken about his health condition while in custody.
All other activists of the Bhangar Movement Solidarity Committee, including Amitava Bhattacharya, Sankar Das, Biswajit Hazra and Dr. Ratul Banerjee be released immediately.
False cases against all villagers of Bhangar and activists connected with the Bhangar movement be withdrawn.
The West Bengal government, instead of repressive measures, should initiate a dialogue with the Bhangar peasantsʹ committee to find a resolution to their legitimate concerns in a democratic manner.
On behalf of CDRO,
Tapas Chakraborty,Coordinator.
Constituent Organisations: Association for Democratic Rights (AFDR, Punjab), Association for Protection of Democratic Rights (APDR, West Bengal); Asansol Civil Rights Association, West Bengal; Bandi Mukti Committee (West Bengal); Civil Liberties Committee (CLC, Andhra Pradesh); Civil Liberties Committee (CLC, Telangana); Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights (CPDR, Maharashtra); Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights (CPDR,Tamil Nadu); Coordination for Human Rights (COHR, Manipur); Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS, Assam); Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR); Peoplesʹ Committee for Human Rights (PCHR, Jammu and Kashmir); Peoples Democratic Forum (PDF, Karnataka); Jharkhand Council for Democratic Rights (JCDR, Jharkhand); Peoples Union For Democratic Rights (PUDR, Delhi); Peoples Union for Civil Rights (PUCR, Haryana), Campaign for Peace & Democracy in Manipur (CPDM), Delhi; Janhastakshep(Delhi).
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018
domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018
A danza do xenocidio na India. Un artigo del compañeiro Adolfo Naya en Praza Pública
A danza do xenocidio na India.
Adolfo Naya*
Ver militares e policías indios bailando e celebrando a matanza de 39 maoístas -todas e todos pertencentes a comunidades Adivasis-, ao ritmo da popular canción Haryanvi de Sapna Choudhary, amosa como parte da humanidade está chegando a niveis de dexeneración tal que, se non cambiamos este mundo, estamos abocados á definitiva barbarie, como xa dixera Rosa Luxemburgo.
Mentres o río se tinguía de vermello polo sangue de máis de 15 corpos que flotaban nel, lembrando aqueles tempos das ditaduras chilena e arxentina, os militares, embriagados de poder, bailaban a danza macabra do xenocidio contra o seu pobo. Un pobo que está disposto a loitar e morrer para defender a súa terra, os seus bosques e os seus recursos naturais contra o imperialismo e o capitalismo burocrático, e que non está disposto a vivir de xeonllos. Pero esta danza é a verdadeira cara do Goberno indio, un goberno xenocida que celebra bailando a morte do seu pobo.
Segundo informan organizacións de dereitos humanos, o 22 de abril 64 policías dos comandos C-60 e paramilitares dispararon con morteiros contra 16 maoístas na xungla de Karnasur, na área de Bhamragod, no este de Maharashtra. O 23 de abril, os comandos de policía mataron outros 6 maoístas na selva de Rajaram Khandla, na zona de Jimalgatta do distrito de Gadchiroli. Posteriormente, o 24 de abril, a policía atopou máis de 15 corpos de supostos maoístas no río Indravati. Destas 39 persoas mortas, 20 son mulleres.
O Goberno indio mantén unha guerra contra o seu pobo a través dunha estratexia clásica de contrainsurxencia denominada “Corazóns e Mentes” (Gerald Templer, 1951), e que na India é denominada Operación “Caceria Verde”. Unha das tácticas máis comúns practicadas nesta estratexia de contrainsurxencia son os “falsos encontros”. Asasinatos de militantes, líderes sociais, activistas ou poboación civil, onde se teatraliza por parte das forzas armadas ou bandas paramilitares un enfrontamento armado -como sucedeu os días 22 e 23 de abril-; ou mesmo disfrazando á vítima co uniforme da guerrilla e e colocando unha arma ao seu carón, para deste xeito lexitimar a súa morte como un acto de defensa propia, cando do que se trata é dun asasinato sen escrúpulos enmarcado na estratexia de eliminación dos e das militantes e do seu apoio social, así como da creación do “medo”.
No informe Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2014 sobre Dereitos Humanos na India, o Departamento de Estado dos Estados Unidos define estes “encontros” da seguinte maneira:
“As “mortes en encontros” é un termo empregado para describir a execución extraxudicial de presuntos delincuentes ou insurxentes polas forzas de seguridade e a policía, ocorridos en áreas de conflito.”
O Departamento de Estado estadounidense deixa moi claro o que, tanto as organizacións de dereitos humanos como os maoístas, teñen denunciado reiteradamente como “falsos encontros”. Esta práctica xenocida por parte do Estado pretende lexitimar o xenocidio, buscando dar a imaxe de que está a librar unha guerra xusta contra terroristas e antinacionalistas.
A matanza de 39 maoístas polas forzas especiais do goberno fascista hinduista de Primeiro Ministro Modi os días 22 e 23 de abril de 2018, confirma o plan xenocida dun goberno que se agocha baixo o manto da Operación “Caceria Verde” para exterminar a guerrilla maoísta e exercer a violencia de estado contra aquelas persoas que non aceptan unha sociedade divida en clases, en castas e sometida baixo o patriarcado.
*Antropólogo social e sindicalista.
Adolfo Naya*
Ver militares e policías indios bailando e celebrando a matanza de 39 maoístas -todas e todos pertencentes a comunidades Adivasis-, ao ritmo da popular canción Haryanvi de Sapna Choudhary, amosa como parte da humanidade está chegando a niveis de dexeneración tal que, se non cambiamos este mundo, estamos abocados á definitiva barbarie, como xa dixera Rosa Luxemburgo.
Mentres o río se tinguía de vermello polo sangue de máis de 15 corpos que flotaban nel, lembrando aqueles tempos das ditaduras chilena e arxentina, os militares, embriagados de poder, bailaban a danza macabra do xenocidio contra o seu pobo. Un pobo que está disposto a loitar e morrer para defender a súa terra, os seus bosques e os seus recursos naturais contra o imperialismo e o capitalismo burocrático, e que non está disposto a vivir de xeonllos. Pero esta danza é a verdadeira cara do Goberno indio, un goberno xenocida que celebra bailando a morte do seu pobo.
Segundo informan organizacións de dereitos humanos, o 22 de abril 64 policías dos comandos C-60 e paramilitares dispararon con morteiros contra 16 maoístas na xungla de Karnasur, na área de Bhamragod, no este de Maharashtra. O 23 de abril, os comandos de policía mataron outros 6 maoístas na selva de Rajaram Khandla, na zona de Jimalgatta do distrito de Gadchiroli. Posteriormente, o 24 de abril, a policía atopou máis de 15 corpos de supostos maoístas no río Indravati. Destas 39 persoas mortas, 20 son mulleres.
O Goberno indio mantén unha guerra contra o seu pobo a través dunha estratexia clásica de contrainsurxencia denominada “Corazóns e Mentes” (Gerald Templer, 1951), e que na India é denominada Operación “Caceria Verde”. Unha das tácticas máis comúns practicadas nesta estratexia de contrainsurxencia son os “falsos encontros”. Asasinatos de militantes, líderes sociais, activistas ou poboación civil, onde se teatraliza por parte das forzas armadas ou bandas paramilitares un enfrontamento armado -como sucedeu os días 22 e 23 de abril-; ou mesmo disfrazando á vítima co uniforme da guerrilla e e colocando unha arma ao seu carón, para deste xeito lexitimar a súa morte como un acto de defensa propia, cando do que se trata é dun asasinato sen escrúpulos enmarcado na estratexia de eliminación dos e das militantes e do seu apoio social, así como da creación do “medo”.
No informe Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2014 sobre Dereitos Humanos na India, o Departamento de Estado dos Estados Unidos define estes “encontros” da seguinte maneira:
“As “mortes en encontros” é un termo empregado para describir a execución extraxudicial de presuntos delincuentes ou insurxentes polas forzas de seguridade e a policía, ocorridos en áreas de conflito.”
O Departamento de Estado estadounidense deixa moi claro o que, tanto as organizacións de dereitos humanos como os maoístas, teñen denunciado reiteradamente como “falsos encontros”. Esta práctica xenocida por parte do Estado pretende lexitimar o xenocidio, buscando dar a imaxe de que está a librar unha guerra xusta contra terroristas e antinacionalistas.
A matanza de 39 maoístas polas forzas especiais do goberno fascista hinduista de Primeiro Ministro Modi os días 22 e 23 de abril de 2018, confirma o plan xenocida dun goberno que se agocha baixo o manto da Operación “Caceria Verde” para exterminar a guerrilla maoísta e exercer a violencia de estado contra aquelas persoas que non aceptan unha sociedade divida en clases, en castas e sometida baixo o patriarcado.
*Antropólogo social e sindicalista.
domingo, 29 de abril de 2018
Protest fake encounter killing of Gadchiroli.
The Indian state’s war on its most impoverished and marginalized populace in the form of Operation Green Hunt is now continuing for almost a decade killing hundreds of Adivasis in the vast forest areas of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana and Bengal. Initiated by the former UPA government, the operation reached a new height in terms of violence and brutality during the rule of present communal fascist government led by BJP. The intensity of the war has escalated in leaps and bounds with the declaration of the present government to “flush out” the Maoists before 2021.
In the recent incident in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra, at least 39 Maoist activists are reported to be killed by the security forces in two different “encounters”, while there is no casualty on the other side. The first encounter took place near Kasansur village in Tadgaon Police station area of Gadchiroli. The Maoist activists went to the village to attend a wedding ceremony, the police surrounded them while having the breakfast and killed 31 of them. Although the police claimed it to be a gun battle between the two sides, some important questions remain unanswered, as in a gun battle one side lost 31 people and the other side remained unharmed.
According to the police, the second “encounter” took place at Nainer forest near Rajaram Khandla in Aheri taluka, but local tribals failed to recall hearing that many gunshots. The Times of India reports,
“Though senior officers claimed it was a genuine gun battle, there are speculations about it in the hamlets surrounding Nainer. TOI on a visit in the remote region met tribals of Nainer and eight hamlets in a range of five kilometres. Starting from Rajaram Khandla, TOI visited Korepalli, Kapevancha, Korchepalli before taking a U-turn for Pallekasa, Madgu and Nainer passing through the forest trails.
A family at Kopevancha claimed to have heard only couple of gunshots. Another prominent tribal of that hamlet also said he could not recall hearing continuous bullet shots in the forest. Police have claimed they came under “heavy and indiscriminate fire” from Naxalites.
A villager from Pallekasa said he spotted a police vehicle pass through but returning soon. “I had seen the vehicle go but it did not leave the village. We heard that there were bodies in the vehicle,” he said.”
Killing the political activists and dissenting voices in staged encounters is nothing new in India, the Indian state has always openly sided with the corporate capitalists in waging war on its people. The state and central government act as active henchmen of the corporates to facilitate land grab and mineral loot destroying the lives of thousands of Adivasis. In this process they are determined to suppress all the resistance movements and Operation Green Hunt is their license to kill the Adivasis who oppose the unjust development process, protest the state oppression and are determined to protect their ancestral heritages. Clearly, the Indian state sees the Maoists as a severe threat to the investment climate rather than a security threat to the nation.
Bastar Solidarity Network (Kolkata Chapter) condemns this mass killing in Gadchiroli and demands judicial probe of the incident. We appeal to all the democratic individuals and organisations to join hand against this vicious design and build resistance against Indian state’s war on people.
sábado, 28 de abril de 2018
Comunicado do Comité Internacional de Apoio á Guerra Popular na India (CIAGPI): nova masacre do goberno de Modi contra campesiños da India.
Una nueva masacre en una falsa confrontación perpetrada por las
fuerzas del estado fascista de la India. Los maoístas asesinados en
Gadchiroli eran indígenas
Movilización de denuncia y solidaridad siempre que sea posible y en todas las formas posibles
Tampoco, como en otras tantas ocasiones anteriores, sabemos cuántos de ellos eran realmente maoístas e iban armados y cuántos simples aldeanos.
Lo cierto es que no hubo un verdadero choque armado, sino un ataque sorpresa con lanzagranadas, mientras los hombres agredidos desayunaban o descansaban.
Lo cierto es que se trata de la enésima masacre de la sangrienta y despiadada guerra contra el pueblo que el estado indio ha desatado.
La policía publicó un video que mostraba a los soldados celebrando la "victoria" y bailando entre los cadáveres. Que la ira y la indignación contra esta masacre bárbara y el régimen fascista y genocida que la ordenó se muestren en todo el mundo.
Esta masacre es parte de la operación Green Hunt - una gigantesca y prolongada operación de represión y aniquilación de la lucha armada y de la lucha de masas en general lanzada por el estado indio, hoy a cargo del régimen hindú-fascista de Modi. Como parte de esta operación en su tercera fase, hay matanzas, deportación de poblaciones, destrucción, violaciones en masa y olas masivas y sistemáticas de detenciones y desapariciones, que afectan el campo y a las ciudades, universidades y movimientos de masas, en continua violación sistemática de los derechos humanos. Esto significa más de 10.000 presos políticos, incluyendo algunas figuras intelectuales, como el Prof. Saibaba, artistas, abogados, juristas, líderes estudiantiles y, por supuesto, algunos líderes maoístas de prestigio, como Cabades Gandhi, Ajith y otros. Con esta nueva masacre se intenta en vano detener la rebelión de las masas indias y la guerra popular dirigida por el PCI maoísta
Honramos a los mártires de Godchiroli, caídos al servicio de la grandiosa y gloriosa lucha por la liberación de las masas indias que, desde la 'revuelta de Naxalbari hace 50 años y hasta hoy, nunca se ha detenido y avanza indomable hacia la victoria.
¡Organizamos protestas ante embajadas y consulados de la India y pongamos en marcha iniciativas solidarias en todas partes!
¡Ayudemos y apoyemos el Spring Thunder Tour, una campaña prolongada que ha de llegar al mayor número de países de Europa y del mundo!
Se necesitan iniciativas masivas para lograr un apoyo poderoso y un llamativo movimiento de protesta contra el régimen fascista hindú de Modi al servicio del imperialismo.
¡Detengan las matanzas y la represión!, !No al Green Hunt!
!Libertad para todos los presos políticos encerrados en prisiones indias!
Comité Internacional de Apoyo a la Guerra Popular en India
info csgpindia@gmail.com
martes, 24 de abril de 2018
miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018
India:"Strongly condemn the harassment of Rona Wilson, Public Relations Secretary of CRPP, and others in the name of ‘search operations’
Dende o Comité Galego de apoio a Guerra Popular na India sumamonos a condea do acoso e rexistros que perpetrou a policia de Pune contra activistas solidarios cos presos políticos. Toda a nosa solidariedade dende Galiza.
condemn the harassment of Rona Wilson, Public Relations Secretary of
CRPP, and others in the name of ‘search operations’
As part of a shocking search operation conducted by the Pune (Maharashtra) police on April 17, 2018, at the residences of various activists in Maharashtra, the home of the CRRP Public Relations Secretary, Rona Wilson was also searched in Delhi. The Committee for Release of Political Prisoners (CRPP) strongly condemns the police raids in the residences of peoples activists in the strongest words.
At around 6.00 a.m in the morning, the Pune (Maharashtra) police conducted simultaneous raids at the homes of prominent activists in Maharashtra namely Sudhir Dhavale (Dalit activist, Republican Panthers), Harshali Potdar (Activist, Republican Panthers), Ramesh Gaychor, Jyoti Jagtap, Sagar Gorkhe, Rupali Jadhav and Dhawala Dhengle (all Kabir Kala Manch activists) allegedly in relation to the violence that ensued after the bi-centenary celebrations of the battle of Bhima-Koregaon on 31 Decemeber 2018 and the subsequent bandh. Alongside, Pune Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ganesh Gawade, and Nagpur DCP, Suresh Bawche, searched the residence of prominent people’s lawyer, Surendra Gadling.
On 31st December 2017, an Elgar Parishad was organised to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the battle of Bhima-Koregaon which was attended by thousands who gathered to raised their voice against the forces of Bramanical Hindutva Fascism. On the following day, that is, 1st January 2018, a mob carrying saffron flags instigated by Sambhaji Bhide and Milind Ekbote attacked the masses and activists who had gathered for the commemoration. It should be noted that instead of taking timely action against those who incited and perpetrated violence that ensued after the Elgar Parishad, the state machinery has chosen to devote its time and attention to target and harass activists and lawyers who have been speaking against the anti-people policies of the government. Both the main forces behind the pre-meditated violence on 1st January 2018, Sambhaji Bhide and Milind Ekbote, are right wing activists closely connected with the ruling BJP and the Sangh Parivar. The police forces have failed to arrest Sambhaji Bhide in connection with this case. Rather, they seem interested in conjuring up an elaborate tale of how the songs of peoples’ resistance sung by activists at the commemoration on 31st December were deliberately intended to incite violence! Allegedly under the same pretext of investigating the Bhima Koregaon incident, a team of Pune police led by Deputy Commissioner of Police Pravin Munde and investigating officer, Shivaji Pawar searched the residence of Rona Wilson in Delhi by arbitrarily trying to frame him under the Sections 153 a, 117, 505 1 (b), 34 of the IPC. The police has seized his laptop, phone, books and some money from his residence under the pretext of this arbitrary raid.
Rona Wilson has been an activist for several years, advocating for the cause of political prisoners all over India. As Public Relations Secretary of the CRPP, he has been at the forefront of organising numerous conventions against the unconstitutional nature of draconian laws like UAPA and AFSPA, and against the arbitrary use of death penalty, specifically against Muslims and Dalit minorities. He is an active voice in the campaign for the release of political prisoners condemning the anti-people ploys of the state machinery for arbitrarily persecuting minorities and marginalised sections.
That these raids are happening at a time when voices of Dalit resistance are transforming into an avalanche of resistance against the anti-people policies of the state indicates the deliberate attempt by the powers that be to stifle all voices of protest. Moreover, it exposes the brazen vengeance of the state against Dalit upsurge organising against the unbridled loot and plunder of resources by imperialist capital aided by the forces of Hindutva Fascism. By targeting activists and peoples lawyers, the state is blatantly trying to snuff out even voices of defense from political prisoners. It must be understood that violence that ensued in Bhima Koregaon is being used as an alibi by the ruling classes to browbeat activists and lawyers who have been fighting for the people into silence. These pre-meditated raids reflect the desperation of the increasingly police state and its growing tendency within the executive to frame activists and lawyers under false charges and keep them in confinement under prolonged incarceration.
It must also be highlighted that this arbitrary and illegal search has come at a time when CRPP has been able to gather public opinion against the conviction of Dr. GN Saibaba, Hem Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Vijay Tirki, Mahesh Tirki and Pandu Narote. The Gadchiroli Sessions Court, in its 827 page judgment, inadvertently exposes the workings of a national security state which uses the instrument of law to thwart dissent. It is not a coincidence that when retired judges and prominent lawyers have agreed to speak at a convention (proposed for April 22, 2018) condemning the Gadchiroli Sessions Court judgement, the state machinery has used the pretext of the Bhima Koregaon incident to harass Wilson in order to divert the attention of the public and stop their mobilisation against the judgement of Gadchiroli Sessions Court.
The CRPP strongly condemns the arbitrary police raid conducted at the residence of Rona Wilson and other activists from Maharashtra which is nothing but a tactic to intimidate activists and prevent them from mobilising people and raising voice against the violence perpetrated by the state.
In protest,
As part of a shocking search operation conducted by the Pune (Maharashtra) police on April 17, 2018, at the residences of various activists in Maharashtra, the home of the CRRP Public Relations Secretary, Rona Wilson was also searched in Delhi. The Committee for Release of Political Prisoners (CRPP) strongly condemns the police raids in the residences of peoples activists in the strongest words.
At around 6.00 a.m in the morning, the Pune (Maharashtra) police conducted simultaneous raids at the homes of prominent activists in Maharashtra namely Sudhir Dhavale (Dalit activist, Republican Panthers), Harshali Potdar (Activist, Republican Panthers), Ramesh Gaychor, Jyoti Jagtap, Sagar Gorkhe, Rupali Jadhav and Dhawala Dhengle (all Kabir Kala Manch activists) allegedly in relation to the violence that ensued after the bi-centenary celebrations of the battle of Bhima-Koregaon on 31 Decemeber 2018 and the subsequent bandh. Alongside, Pune Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ganesh Gawade, and Nagpur DCP, Suresh Bawche, searched the residence of prominent people’s lawyer, Surendra Gadling.
On 31st December 2017, an Elgar Parishad was organised to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the battle of Bhima-Koregaon which was attended by thousands who gathered to raised their voice against the forces of Bramanical Hindutva Fascism. On the following day, that is, 1st January 2018, a mob carrying saffron flags instigated by Sambhaji Bhide and Milind Ekbote attacked the masses and activists who had gathered for the commemoration. It should be noted that instead of taking timely action against those who incited and perpetrated violence that ensued after the Elgar Parishad, the state machinery has chosen to devote its time and attention to target and harass activists and lawyers who have been speaking against the anti-people policies of the government. Both the main forces behind the pre-meditated violence on 1st January 2018, Sambhaji Bhide and Milind Ekbote, are right wing activists closely connected with the ruling BJP and the Sangh Parivar. The police forces have failed to arrest Sambhaji Bhide in connection with this case. Rather, they seem interested in conjuring up an elaborate tale of how the songs of peoples’ resistance sung by activists at the commemoration on 31st December were deliberately intended to incite violence! Allegedly under the same pretext of investigating the Bhima Koregaon incident, a team of Pune police led by Deputy Commissioner of Police Pravin Munde and investigating officer, Shivaji Pawar searched the residence of Rona Wilson in Delhi by arbitrarily trying to frame him under the Sections 153 a, 117, 505 1 (b), 34 of the IPC. The police has seized his laptop, phone, books and some money from his residence under the pretext of this arbitrary raid.
Rona Wilson has been an activist for several years, advocating for the cause of political prisoners all over India. As Public Relations Secretary of the CRPP, he has been at the forefront of organising numerous conventions against the unconstitutional nature of draconian laws like UAPA and AFSPA, and against the arbitrary use of death penalty, specifically against Muslims and Dalit minorities. He is an active voice in the campaign for the release of political prisoners condemning the anti-people ploys of the state machinery for arbitrarily persecuting minorities and marginalised sections.
That these raids are happening at a time when voices of Dalit resistance are transforming into an avalanche of resistance against the anti-people policies of the state indicates the deliberate attempt by the powers that be to stifle all voices of protest. Moreover, it exposes the brazen vengeance of the state against Dalit upsurge organising against the unbridled loot and plunder of resources by imperialist capital aided by the forces of Hindutva Fascism. By targeting activists and peoples lawyers, the state is blatantly trying to snuff out even voices of defense from political prisoners. It must be understood that violence that ensued in Bhima Koregaon is being used as an alibi by the ruling classes to browbeat activists and lawyers who have been fighting for the people into silence. These pre-meditated raids reflect the desperation of the increasingly police state and its growing tendency within the executive to frame activists and lawyers under false charges and keep them in confinement under prolonged incarceration.
It must also be highlighted that this arbitrary and illegal search has come at a time when CRPP has been able to gather public opinion against the conviction of Dr. GN Saibaba, Hem Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Vijay Tirki, Mahesh Tirki and Pandu Narote. The Gadchiroli Sessions Court, in its 827 page judgment, inadvertently exposes the workings of a national security state which uses the instrument of law to thwart dissent. It is not a coincidence that when retired judges and prominent lawyers have agreed to speak at a convention (proposed for April 22, 2018) condemning the Gadchiroli Sessions Court judgement, the state machinery has used the pretext of the Bhima Koregaon incident to harass Wilson in order to divert the attention of the public and stop their mobilisation against the judgement of Gadchiroli Sessions Court.
The CRPP strongly condemns the arbitrary police raid conducted at the residence of Rona Wilson and other activists from Maharashtra which is nothing but a tactic to intimidate activists and prevent them from mobilising people and raising voice against the violence perpetrated by the state.
In protest,
viernes, 13 de abril de 2018
AND: Índia - Saibaba sofre maus tratos na prisão
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018
lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018
INDIA: Festival Literario do Pobo, 24 eo 25 de marzo do 2018 Kolkata.
Peopleʹs literary festival in Kolkata
We, the Bastar Solidarity Network (Kolkata) are organizing a program that we are calling Peopleʹs Literary Festival (PLF henceforth) on 24-25 th March, 2018. The PLF wants to bring together a range of critical and resistant voices in the field of literary production from various corners of our country. It is clear that over time, agencies of the state, corporate interests and the socially powerful classes have mobilised regularly in tandem to directly silence the voices of critical personalities. Repression, censorship and directly inflicted violence on the producers of critical thought, art and literature have become almost a specialty of our times. However there has also been a barrage of specifically ideological forms of control that has otherwise in much more implicit and effective ways conducted these acts of silencing and the burial of resistance and criticism in the intellectual sphere. One may cite here the changes in school curriculum initiated by the current regime holding power at the Centre, as well as publishing and media housesʹ tendency to conform to or to the line of the State- a State committed to the consolidation of a Brahminical culture and absolute obedience to the implications of neoliberal corporate expansionism.
This ideological war by the powerful classes and a State increasingly exhibiting dangerously anti-Muslim fascist tendencies is further bolstered by the Corporate Cultural Responsibility manifested by events such as the Zee Jaipur Literature Festival, the Tata Literature Live in Mumbai, or the Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival, to name a few. These festivals have now become the gathering ground of an international market for ʹIndianʹ literary production.The Peopleʹs Literary Festival is our attempt to orient literature to its critical social function. We are interested in bringing to the fore literature which recognizes the power structures around which our world is built and tries to envisage a way out of these chains forged by imperialist multinational capitalism, patriarchal oppression of women and marginalized gender identities, the foundational machinations of caste, by chauvinistic majoritarian nationalism and its oppression of all questions of self-determination. We will attempt to showcase and generate conversation emanating from writers who have in their own specific ways withstood the grasps of these chains in order to forge words and lines that have withstood and railed against the very historical constitution of these chains. And we want to do this without the diktats of any form of corporate sponsorship.
To make this event successful, we have talked intellectuals and writers who uncompromisingly wrote for people and struggle. They have agreed to advise and convene the event. This, we hope will initiate a necessary journey towards imagining a popular cultural form that will challenge and lay siege to what is dominant.We would request your presence at the Peopleʹs Literary Festival on 24-25 th March, 2018 to be held at Kolkata as we believe your invaluable contribution is essential for the success of the event.
May a thousand such festivals bloom!
Advisory Panel for the Peopleʹs Literary Festival
Sabyasachi Deb (Poet and literary Critique)
Krishna Bandapadhyay (Writer, Editor and Marxist Feminist)
Asok Chattopadhyay (Editor of Sanaskritik Samasamay, Writer of the book ʹKangalHarinathʹ)
Kanchan Kumar (Editor of Aamukh Magazine, Poet, Translator)
miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018
Galiza: Solidariedade con Pablo Hasel
Dende o Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India queremos amosar todo o noso apoio e solidariedade de clase co camarada Pablo Hasel, sempre solidario coa causa da Guerra Popular na India, así como reclamar a súa total absolución deste xuizo farsa, que o que pretende é amedrentar e silenciar as persoas comprometidas que din ás verdades deste sistema asasino chamado capitalismo.
Así mesmo aproveitamos para solidarizarnos co grupo de Hip Hop La Insurgencia, Emilio Cao e con todos os artistas e activistas que están sendo reprimidos polo Estado Represor Español.
Absolución Pablo Hasel!
Avante a solidariedade internacionalista!
Avante a Guerra Popular na India!
Así mesmo aproveitamos para solidarizarnos co grupo de Hip Hop La Insurgencia, Emilio Cao e con todos os artistas e activistas que están sendo reprimidos polo Estado Represor Español.
Absolución Pablo Hasel!
Avante a solidariedade internacionalista!
Avante a Guerra Popular na India!
jueves, 25 de enero de 2018
martes, 9 de enero de 2018
Resposta da Comisión Europea á pregunta da Europarlamentaria Lidia Senra sobre o caso do profesor GN Saibaba
Cunha nova demostración de cinismo, hipocresía e complicidade co xenocidio que se está a producir na India contra os pobos Adivasis, Dalits e activistas, a Comision Europea respondeu a pregunta da Europarlamentaria Lidia Senra sobre a situación do profesor GN Saibaba, demostrando así o rol que xoga a UE na explotación e represión que sofre o pobo da India e máis concretamente no caso do profesor GN Saibaba onde cada dia que pasa é un dia máis de tortura.
Dende aqui esiximos a inmediata liberdade do profesor GN Saibaba e todas e todos os presos políticos da India, asi como o fin da Operación xenocida "Cacería Verde".
Respuesta de la vicepresidenta Mogherini
en nombre de la Comisión
Como signataria de los principales convenios internacionales en materia de derechos humanos y teniendo en cuenta su compromiso con las Naciones Unidas (ONU), la República de la India no ha cesado de esforzarse por avanzar en lo que respecta al respeto de los derechos humanos y de los principios democráticos. En relación con su participación en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas y, más recientemente, en el marco de su tercer examen periódico universal, que ha contado con una gran participación de los Estados miembros de la UE, la India ha prometido nuevas medidas para mejorar la situación de los derechos humanos y cumplir sus obligaciones en la materia, con especial hincapié en el desarrollo económico y social y en la erradicación de la pobreza.
La UE sigue estando muy atenta al asunto del profesor Saibaba, condenado por el juzgado del distrito de Gadchiroli (Maharashtra) en marzo de 2017. Puesto que el profesor ha interpuesto un recurso ante el Tribunal Superior de Nagpur, debe aguardarse a que este se pronuncie. Desde hace tiempo, la UE viene planteando el asunto por razones humanitarias ante las autoridades indias. "
With a new demonstration of cynicism, hypocrisy and complicity with the genocide that is occurring in India against the Adivasis, Dalits and activists, the European Commission responded to the question of Euro-parliamentary Lidia Senra on the situation of Professor GN Saibaba, thus demonstrating the role that The EU plays the exploitation and repression suffered by the people of India and more specifically in the case of Professor GN Saibaba where every day that passes is another day of torture.
From here we demand the immediate freedom of Professor GN Saibaba and all political prisoners of India, as well as the end of the Genocide Operation "Green Hunt."
Answer given by Vice-President Mogherini
on behalf of the Commission
As a signatory to major international human rights conventions and given its commitment to the United Nations (UN), the Republic of India has made constant efforts to progress with regard to respect for human rights and democratic principles. In connection with its membership in the UN Human Rights Council and most recently in the context of its third Universal Periodic Review, with strong participation of the EU Member States, it has pledged further action to improve the human rights situation and to fulfil its human rights obligations, with a particular emphasis on socio-economic development and the eradication of poverty.
The EU continues to follow the case of professor Saibaba convicted by sessions court in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra in March 2017. As Professor Saibaba lodged an appeal against the verdict with the Nagpur High Court, the case is still sub judice. The EU has been raising the case on humanitarian grounds with the Indian authorities. "
domingo, 7 de enero de 2018
Impulsar unha poderosa xornada de solidariedade cos presos políticos e prisioneiros de guerra na India !
26/27 january days of actions for the freedom of SAIBABA/KOBAD GANDHY/AJITH against Green Hunt ICSPWI
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