martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Honor e Gloria ao Camarada Kappusamy e a Camarada Kaveri!

Dende o Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India, queremos mostrar toda a nosa solidariedade coas familiares e amigos dos dous camaradas asasinados cobardemente o xoves pasado nun "falso encontro" en Kerala. Kappu Devraj, membro do Comité Central do Partico Comunista da India (Maoísta) e Ajitha, muller loitadora e activista.

Honor e Gloria ao Camarada Kappusamy e a Camarada Kaveri!

Longa Vida a Guerra Popular na India!

English unoficcial traslate:

From the Galician Committee for Supporting People's War in India, we would like all our solidarity with the families and friends of the two comrades killed cowardly on Thursday in a "fake encounter" in Kerala. Kappu Devraj, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Ajitha, woman fighter and activist.

Honor and Glory to Comrade Kappusamy and Kaveri Comrade!

Long Live the People's War in India!

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