domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

INDIA: Protest Demonstration on 31st August, Monday to demand Comrade Hem's immediate and unconditional release

Join Protest Demonstration on 31st August, Monday
to demand Comrade Hem's immediate and unconditional release

Against the continuing denial of bail,,,
Against the ujnust trial...
Against the arbitrary postponement of hearings...
Against the continuing incarceration of one of our fellow comrade and a student of JNU...

Defense Committee for the Release of Comrade Hem and all other political prisoners
AISA, AISF, CFI, Dastak, DSU, IPTA, Jagriti Natya Manch, Janrang, JNUSU, JSM, KNS, RCF, SFI, SIO, TNM, UDSF

(For JNU students, bus will leave from Ganga Dhaba at 1)

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

INDIA: Noticias da guerra popular.

New Delhi, 26.08.15
Reportes da prensa india dan conta dun novo enfretamento entre unidades do Exercito Guerrilleiro Popular de Liberación e forzas da policía militarizada Forzas de Seguridade Fronteiriza (BSF) no Estado de Orisha. No mesmo habrian morto tres efectivos policiais e outros seis resultaron feridos. A forza policial estaba a custodiar as obras dunha ponte perto da zona fronteiriza de Sukma-Malkangiri en Chitrakonda.
Por outra banda reportase a execución dun antigo membro do grupo terrorista fascista Salwa Judum en Bijapur. Según fontes policiais, o individuo foi executado polos maoístas no campo de refuxiados de  Nayapara ao que ingresaron fortemente armados, retirandose despois, hacia a unha zona boscosa.
Tamen informase dun combate de mais de duas horas na selva de Majhiguda, Koraput, entre naxalitas e forzas policiais neste distrito, considerado unha "base vermella".

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

INDIA: Combate no distrito de Bijapur deixa un policía morto e dous feridos.

New Delhi, 18.08.15
Un reporte do Hindustan Times informa dun combate entre combatentes do EGPL e forzas da policía militarizada, CRPF, perto da localidade de Tamapur, distrito de Bijapur a 400 km ao sur da capital Raipur.
A forza policial regresaba a seu campamento logo de participar en operativos anti-guerrilleiros cando caeron nunha emboscada, entablandose un combate no que morreu un membro das CRPF e outros dos maís, resultaron feridos. Non se reportan baixas nas forzas revolucionarias.
Os maoístas estan presentes alomenos en 16 dos 27 distritos do estado, maís son maís activos en Bastar, no sur de Chhattisgarh, co predominante poboación pobre tribal. Bijapur é un dos sete distritos da zona de Bastar máis afectadas polas accions dos maoístas.

INDIA: Urgent Press Conference on Deteriorating Situation in Bastar: हिड़मे सोनी सोरी और बस्तर के हालात पर प्रेस कांफ्रेंस

Urgent Press Conference on Deteriorating Situation in Bastar: हिड़मे सोनी सोरी और बस्तर के हालात पर प्रेस कांफ्रेंस
Martes, 18 de agosto a las 16:30 en UTC+05:30
Press Club Of India en Nueva Delh

INDIA: Boycott of Independence Day celebrations.


West Bengal, August 16 (ANI): Amid Independence Day celebrations across the country, Maoists hoisted black flags at a government owned primary education school at Baghmundi in West Bengal on Monday. The rebels also left behind threatening posters on the walls of the Chirugoda Primary school under Purulia district. The main contents of the posters were demand for withdrawal of security and paramilitary forces like the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in the Maoist hotbed and boycott of Independence Day celebrations.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

INDIA: Os presos maoístas rematan a folga de fame.


New Delhi 13.08.14
Os camaradas Roopesh, Shyna, Anoop e Veeramani, que atopabanse en folga de fame, na cadea central de Coimbatore, para esixir o reconecemento da sua condición de prisioneiros políticos, remataron a mesma, logo que un amplo grupo de intelectuais e persoalidades, Arundhati Roy, Prabhat Patnaik, Meena Kandasamy e outros, respaldaran suas demandas, informou o seu abogado Dr. S. Balamurugan.

INDIA: Occupy Convention Centre ! Democratic Students Union.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

INDIA: Premier Modi cancela miting eleitoral no distrito de Gaya pola presión dos maoístas.

New Delhi, 09.08.15
Según informa a prensa india, o reaccionario Primer Ministro Modi cancelou a sua visita ao distrito de Gaya (Bihar) por  "motivos de axenda". O eufemismo agacha a realidade do motivo da cancelación o acto eleitoral do gubernamental BJP, que non foi outro, que a movilización contra a mesma, das organizacións de masas e do Partido Comunista da India (maoísta) que chamou a unha folga xeral para o domingo na rexión de Magadh. Este chamado "Día Mouro" foi amplamente seguido e mesmo tamén fixose boicot aos transportes.
Tamen informase dun ataque dunha columna do EGPL a unhas obras de un canal no distrito de Banka, Bihar, destruindo maquinaria e vehiculos. O rexime fascista esta a contruir obras publicas para benficio das empresas mineiras e expulsando das suas terrasa aos campesiños ao que oponse o PCI (maoísta).

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

INDIA: LAL SALAAM ! Recordando ao grande camarada Saroj Dutta.

Foto de Lal salam.

Comrade Saroj Dutta was born on 14 March 1914 in Narail in Jessore district, East Bengal. He studied at Victoria Collegiate School in Narail and then at the Scottish Church College in Calcutta. While in college he joined the communist movement and was arrested for a while. He graduated in 1936 and got his MA in 1938 from the University of Calcutta. Comrade SD Joined the Amrita Bazar Patrika in 1939. Later he became a political whole-timer, and joined Swadhinata, the organ of the Bengal State Committee of the CPI. He was also the editor of the famous literary journal Parichaye.During his imprisonment in 1962, SD came in contact with Comrade Charu Majumdar. Both of them joined the CPI (M) after the split in 1964. When the CPI (M) leadership nakedly advocated Khrushchev’s line of class-collaboration, comrades SD, Sushital Roy Choudhuri, AsitSen and others formed the Marxist-Leninist Institute, a study group targeted against revisionism. Following the Naxalbari upsurge, comrade SD played a leading rolein the formation of the AICCR in 1968 and the CPI (M-L) in 1969. He became the editor of Deshabrati, the Bengali organ of the West Bengal State Committee of the CPI (ML). His articles in “Patrikar Duniyaye”(meaning In the World of magazines) in Deshabrati are treated as rare gems in the treasury of Leftist Journalism. He was known as the ideologue of the famous statue breaking movement that rocked theurban life of Bengal in the early seventies.Comrade SD played an important role in inner-party debates and vigorously fought for the implementation consolidation of the revolutionary line comrade Charu Majumdar. From 1970 onwards, he became one of the most wanted persons in India. The police was always hunting for him like a hungry wolf. Finally, in the early hours of 5th August, 1971, he was secretly eliminated by the state machinery.