miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017
Galiza: Reparto de panfletos sobre a grave situación do profesor GN Saibaba
O 25 de xullo dia Nacional de Galiza, varios activistas solidarios coa grave situación do profesor GN Saibaba, repartiron panfletos informativos sobre a gravisima situación do profesor e dos e das presas politicas na India, nas manifestacións que se celebraron en Santiago de Compostela onde se reclamaba o dereito de autodeterminación e a independencia de Galiza.
On July 25, the National day of Galiza, several solidarity activists with the serious situation of Professor GN Saibaba, distributed informative leaflets on the serious situation of the professor and those of the political prisoners in India, in the demonstrations that were celebrated in Santiago de Compostela where they claimed the right of self-determination and the independence of Galiza.
viernes, 21 de julio de 2017
India: Campaña en change.org pola liberdade do Profesor GN Saibaba
jueves, 6 de julio de 2017
Against G20 Hamburg! Against genocidal Modi! - International Commitee Support People's War India
Against G20 Hamburg!
Against genocidal Modi!
On 7th
and 8th
of July the biggest genocidal in the world will
meet in Hamburg at the G20 Summit. Among them, the slaughterer of
Indian people Narendra Modi.
Modi is notorious for his
brutal actions against Indian revolutionaries, national minorities
and oppressed nations. He is also the main responsible for the
massacre of Muslims in Gujarat.
Modi and his puppeteers
from imperialist countries organize the brutal exploitation of people
and resources of India and transform the country into an open-air
prison of people to the benefit of the corporations linked to the
imperialist countries.
The counter-revolutionary
offensive “Operation Green Hunt”, a war on people aimed against
the People’s War in India led by the Communist Party of India
(Maoist) was upscaled by Modi.
The use of airstrike on
the areas of the national minorities of Adivasis, in the regions
where the People’s War is developed, and the deployment of more
counter-revolutionary troops are supposed to drown the revolutionary
war in blood. But the blood spilled feeds the revolution and the
People’s War develops more, despite all difficulties.
Now the fascist Modi comes
to the belly of imperialist beast in order to get instructions and
advice on how to suppress and brake the revolutionary movement in
India and the Indian People in general.
It is our duty here to
show that even in the safe haven of imperialism a slaughterer of his
own people as Modi is not welcome and will be badgered. We stand on
the side of Indian people and the CPI (Maoist) that leads the
People’s War to crush imperialism and its lackeys and to build the
New-Democratic People’s Republic.
Down with the genocidal
Down with the Operation
Green Hunt!
Freedom for Saibaba,
Ajith, Kobad Gandhi and all political prisoners in India!
Long live the 50th
anniversary of Naxalbari uprising!
Support the People’s
War in India!
International Commitee
Support People's War India
6 july 2017
Traduzimos uma nota, do blog
Dazibao Rojo, que denuncia a prisão de uma militante indiana. O
CEBRASPO vem denunciando em suas notas o fato dos agentes do estado indiano
executarem militantes sem que esses tenham direito a defesa e sejam julgados
diante o Tribunal de Justiça do país. Comumente os assassinados são justificados
como sendo frutos de confrontos, caracterizados pelas entidades democráticas do
país como “falsos encontros”. O Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade denuncia
esse ocorrido e exige do Estado indiano que apresente com vida a militante
Kakarala Padma!
Segue tradução:
“ÍNDIA: Sequestram a camarada
Kakarala Padma. Sua vida corre perigo!
Nova Delhi, 04.07.17
Segundo fontes da imprensa indiana, a camarada Kakarala Padma, que se encontrava na clandestinidade desde 2012, foi detida por agentes repressivos da Oficina Estatal de Inteligencia de Andhra Pradesh (SIB) próximo a Sennimalai no distrito de Erode.
Seu marido que também é um preso político, o camarada Vivek, qualificou como ilegal sua prisão e manifestou seu temor de que ela seja submetida a tortura e inclusive de que seja assassinada em um falso confronto. Exigiu que ela seja apresentada ao tribunal ainda que as fontes repressivas tenham se negado a confirmar sua detenção.
Ainda nessa linha o escritor e poeta revolucionario, Varavara Rao, presidente da Frente Revolucionaria Democrática, denunciou que a camarada Padma foi arrastada por um agente SIB Andhra e os “Greyhounds” em Erode enquanto regressava de Ernakulam no Chennai Express. "Há uma ameaça para sua vida. Deve ser apresentada diante de um tribunal de justiça imediatamente ", afirmou Rao. “
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