viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

INDIA: Arrestan a nai de Rohit Vemula en New Delhi.

 Rohith's mother Radhika Vemula

New Delhi, 26.02.16
A policía detibo violentamente a Radhika Vemula, naí do estudante dalit Rohit Vemula, mentras que participaba con outras persoas, nun acto de homenaxe a seu fillo, na Porta da India. Según reportan medios da India foi arrastrada polo pavemento polos efectivos policiais.
Radhika Vemula esixe xustiza eo castigo para os que obligaron cruelmente ao seu fillo a quitarse a vida.

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

INDIA: Concentración en Mumbai en apoio dos estudantes da JNU e da lider adivasi Soni Sori. Imaxes.

Mumbai, 24-02.16
Un piquete dun centear de persoas concentrouse, durante 40 minutos diante da Estación CST, en Mumbai en apoio aos estudantes da JNU e esixindo xustiza para o ataque a lider adivasi Soni Sori e o suicido de Rohith Vemula. Reparteronse centos de comunicados e cantaronse cancions contra a represión.

INDIA: Entreganse os dous estudantes acusados de sedición en New Delhi

JNU Students Umar Khalid, Anirban Accused Of Sedition, Surrender At Midnight

New Delhi, 24.02.16
Umar Khalid e Anirban Bhattacharya, estudantes da JNU, acusados de sedición e buscados pola policía, teñense entregado as autoridades acompañados dos seus avogados, despois que a Tribunal Supremo negaralles onte o recurso de amparo.
Ambos estudantes, estan acusados polas autoridades reaccionarias dun suposto delíto de sedición, por organizar un acto na JNU en memoria Afzal Guru que foi aforcado por atacar o Parlamento. Por estes mesmos feitos está na cadea o dirixente da JNUSU Kanhaiya Kumar.
Nas principais universidades da India teñense movilizado contras estas medidas represivas impulsadas polo goberno reaccionario de Modi.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016


എല്ലാ അനീതികൾക്കുമെതിരെ ശബ്ദമുയർത്താം...ജി. എൻ സായിബാബ, കൊബാദ് ഘാണ്ടി, അബ്ദുൽ നാസർ മദനി, രൂപേഷ്, ഷൈന, കെ മുരളി, ഇസ്മയിൽ, അനൂപ്‌...ജയിലിൽ നരകജീവിതം തള്ളിനീക്കുന്ന പോരാളികൾക്കായി ശബ്ദമുയർത്താം

Let's raise our voice against all injustices..G. N. Saibaba, Kobad Ghandy, Abdul Naser Madany, Roopesh, Shaina, K. Murali, Ismail, Anoop...Let's raise our voices for all those fighters of the people languishing in jail....

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

INDIA: Deteñen ao coñecido musico folk revolucionario Kovan.

New Delhi, 18.02.16
O coñecido musico folk Kovan foi detido, xunto a outras cincoenta e sete persoas pertenecentes a grupos culturais revolucionarios, en Chennai, reporta o xornal The Hindu.  
Protestaban pola detención e agresions ao dirixente estudantil da JNUSU, Kanhaiya Kumar, acusado de sedición, reclamando súa posta en liberdade e a supresión do Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) de todo o ensino.

GALIZA: Advisory Committee of Support to People's War in India condemns repression.


Faced with a wave of arrests and attacks on students and faculty at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi on charges of sedition by the reactionary authorities of India, the Galician Committee for Supporting People's War in India wants to show their solidarity and support to couple to refuse to wave repression unleashed by the government ultra reactionary and fascist premier Modhi.
Many masses are mobilized in support of the detainees and against the anti-people and repressive laws, a government that leads millions of people to hunger and suicide, that is to plunder the country's mineral wealth, leaving them in the hands of foreign multinational mining that the destorzan fields and villages. The same government that let companies like Monsanto ruined thousands of farmers with their crops modified seeds.
That is unworthy of the government false "patriotism" and accusing the students and teachers of sedition for expressing their legitimate protest against such oppression.
From Galicia, we say that we are with them and their just struggle, which is the struggle of all peoples against imperialist oppression.

The Rebellion is justified!
Forward the struggle of JNU!
Freedom for the student leader Kanhaiya Kumar and Professor GAR Geelani and other detainees.
Freedom to political prisoners!
Outside of Hindu fascism Modhi of JNU!

Galicia, 18 February 2015
Galician Committee for Supporting People's War in India

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

GALIZA: Comunicado do Comité de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India condena represion.


Diante a onda de arrestos e agresións contra estudantes e profesores da Universidade Jawaharlal Nehru de Delhi, acusados de sedición polas autoridades reaccionarias da India, o Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India quere amosar a súa solidariedade e apoio a par de rexeitar a onda represiva desatada polo goberno ultra reaccionario e  fascista do premier Modhi.

Son moitas as masas que mobilízanse en apoio dos detidos e contra as leis antipopulares e represivas, dun goberno que leva a millóns de persoas a fame  e o suicidio, que esta a saquear as riquezas mineiras do país, deixándoas en mans de multinacionais mineiras que destorzan os campos e os pobos. O mesmo goberno que deixa que empresas, coma Monsanto arruínen a milleiros de campesiños con seus cultivos de sementes modificadas.
Ese é o goberno indigno de falso “patriotismo” o que acusa a estudantes e profesores de sedición por manifestar súa lexitima protesta ante tanta opresión.

Dende Galiza, dicímoslle que estamos con eles e súa xusta loita, que é a loita  de todos os pobos contra a opresión imperialista.

A Rebelión Xustificase !
Adiante a loita da JNU !
Liberdade para o dirixente estudantil Kanhaiya Kumar e o profesor GAR Geelani e demais detidos.
Libertade aos prisioneiros políticos!
Fora o fascismo hinduísta de Modhi da JNU !

Galiza, 18 de febreiro do 2015

Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India

INDIA: Comunicado do Comité para a liberación dos Prisioneiros Políticos

17 February 2016


Ever since the event in JNU on the 9 February as well as the programme at the Press Club, Delhi, on 10 February 2016 remembering Afzal Guru’s hanging as a travesty of justice, the media is abuzz with narratives of conspiracy and anti-national activity attributed to the organizers and participants of the programme. The Delhi Police has arrested and booked JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar under sections 124A (Sedition), 120B (criminal conspiracy) and unlawful Assembly while the newly appointed Vice Chancellor has handed over a list of names of students with which the police has went round every hostel in the campus searching for ’suspects’. It’s intriguing that how an FIR has been filed charging sedition on ‘unknown persons’ and that being used as a convenient tool to harass every student in the campus. The police custody of JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar has been further extended. On the 15 February CRPP President and Delhi University Professor SAR Geelani was detained around 8.30 pm when he was coming out of his college after classes. Prof. SAR Geelani also has been charged under 124 A, 149 and 120 B IPC for organizing a meeting at the Press Club to commemorate the hanging of Afzal Guru as a travesty of justice. Prof. Geelani was sent to 2 days police custody when he was produced in the court on Tuesday amid heavy police presence in the court with no one—not even the family members—except the lawyers being allowed to be present at the court.
The fundamental question that should be addressed dispassionately is that whether a democracy can take refuge in an archaic colonial law like the Sedition Act to strangulate itself. The duplicity of the present BJP dispensation is further evident as it is the same Macaulay who they blame for all the ills of the erosion of Indian culture who enacted this anti-people law to stifle the anti-colonial resistance. No civilized world that vouches its credentials on respect for the others’ opinion can sustain itself by using such a draconian law as the harbinger of law and order and then claim at the same time to be the largest democracy. But then why is the Narendra Modi government and the RSS persistent on taking refuge in such penalizing draconian instruments to push their politics?
It is true that the protests inside and outside campuses from students and various sections of the people have increased after the initial hype and hubris of the present government amidst the gradual realization of the people that there is little on the table for Narendra Modi led government to offer to the impoverished peasantry and the toiling masses as succour in an ocean of misery and despair. Apart from the selfies and the glitz of the media events there is little happening on the ground. The protests in the universities have by and large reflected these sentiments of the vast sections of the people along with the distraught condition of higher education in the subcontinent. It is this growing opinion among the educated and the opinionated, a gradual losing of the ‘battle for the hearts and minds’ that have pushed the present beleaguered government into a knee jerk reaction to an otherwise routine event in JNU where the students have the tradition of democratically articulating opposing views not only as essential theoretical exercises in their sociology and political studies tutorials but also as events outside the classrooms which discusses every issue of significance to the student as well as the society in general. It is this slice of the liberal fabric that JNU inculcates to make its students understand and internalize the essential sensibility of what it means to be in a democracy that is being attacked. In a democracy the strength and meaning of the nature of the democracy that we talk about and claim to be is measured by the level of dissent it encourages and protects as a fundamental necessity to ensure the democratic fabric of the society. A Rohit Vemula was holding up this candle of liberal thinking and fearless criticism when he and his friends tried to host the event highlighting the miseries of the people (mostly Muslims) affected by the horrors of organized violence against them in Muzzafarnagar in Uttar Pradesh as part of the build up towards polarizing votes on communal lines before the parliament elections in 2014.
Grand fairy tale narratives of alleged anti-India elements from across the border directly congratulating and facilitating the event in Jawaharlal Nehru University to a solid blanket portrayal of one of the best academic institutions in the subcontinent as well as Asia as synonymous to being anti-national have made it amply clear the larger designs behind this deliberate hyperbole. This is ample evidence of how much the hyperbole of jingoism indulged in by the Home Ministry, HRD Ministry and the RSS ably parodied by certain motivated sections of the media have breached every limit of reason and moderation. In fact the vitriolic nature of the media trial indulged in by a section of the media is so pervertedly infectious that the Delhi Police Chief has almost justified the premeditated violence on journalists, activists, students and teachers of JNU at the Patiala house court complex on the 15 February by a few ‘lawyers’ led by the BJP MLA OP Sharma as a “minor scrap” and “a fall-out of an emotive issue”. The Delhi Police Chief’s tacit endorsement has further smartened the BJP MLA that he is brazen about how roguish he had been since his childhood further warning that he will not shy away from repeating the act.
That the present BJP government at the centre which is ready to share power in Kashmir with the PDP—who terms the killing of Afzal Guru as a travesty of justice—at the same time would dub any programme expressing the same sentiment in Delhi as anti-national shows only the duplicity of the variant of nationalism that it purportedly and shamelessly promotes. Now that all the grand narratives are crumbling and the actual motive of a certain pathologically aggressive behavior of the Narendra Modi government is being interrogated by the discerning mind, we need to dig deeper into a larger design that can be traced to the entire length and breadth of the subcontinent. Of a sinister design to stifle every voice of dissent as anti-national. To dub any opinion or person or community or group holding a different view point—other than the BJP and RSS and all its affiliates—as anti-national and whip up jingoism to promote lawlessness and anarchy thus paving the way for the militarization of the mind and then the society that will find all remedies for the ills that it faces in instruments of retribution and hate. Alternately, and quite significantly, this is also the path that the “Make in India” campaign and the total surrender of the Indian economy to global and local capital also badly needs. A near total disrespect and disregard for law and procedures and complete erosion of the accountability and credibility of all the institutions that are supposed to safeguard the interests of the vast sections of the masses. The above mentioned duplicity of the BJP can only be understood when we look deeper into the urges and the necessities that the global capital and its local counterparts want the present dispensation to do.
As we have been maintaining in our previous statements we are on the road to a more garrisoned state and government with strong penal instruments and fascistic designs to open up unfettered exploitation of the people of the subcontinent and the other resources of the region. The Macaulays are back under the garb of a pseudo-nationalist anti-people government.
The CRPP calls upon all the democratic people, organizations, intellectuals, lawyers, students and teachers to stand united and resist such attempts at fascisation of the society by silencing all voices of dissent in the name of fighting terror and anti-nationalism.
We demand the unconditional release of CRPP President Prof. SAR Geelani, JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar. We demand that the reign of terror unleashed by the police be immediately stopped. Remove the deployment of heavy security on JNU campus. We demand that the harassment of teachers and intellectuals who attended the Press Club event should stop. That many of the participants have been kept in the parliament police station for hours together for just participating in the public event in the Press Club only shows the level of desperation of a government that does not have anything to show before the people. We condemn the brazen attack on the students, teachers and journalists at the Patiala House court complex by a group of vigilantes led by the BJP MLA OP Sharma and demand that the licences of the so-called lawyers who indulged in this barbaric act be withdrawn and OP Sharma be booked.
In protest,
Amit Bhattacharyya
Secretary General
Sujato Bhadra
Vice President
Sukhendu Bhattacharjee
Vice President
MN Ravunni
Vice President
P. Koya
Vice President

Prof. Jagmohan
Vice President

N. Venuh
Vice President
Vice President
Rona Wilson
Secretary, Public Relations

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

INDIA: Release Kanhiaya Kumar & prof. SAR Geelani !


New Delhi,16.02.16
Según medios informativos indios crece o apoio e solidariedade cos estudantes da JNU e contra as detencións do dirixente estudiantil Kumar e o profesor SAR Geelani.
Perto de 400 profesores de universidade incluido doutras universidade coma Harvard ou Yale, teñen asinado un manifesto de apoio no que afirman que "a JNU é vital para a Universidede."
Asi mesmo unha importante manifestación de periodistas, protestou en New Delhi, contra as detencions e a represión contra os estudantes que pretenderon recordar a data da execusion de Afzal Guru.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

INDIA: Deteñen ao profesor da Universidade Nerhu de Delhi, SAR Geelani acusado de sedición

Fontes cercanas ao profesor Geelani confirman a súa detención esta tarde as 8:30 pm por forzas policiais cando saia de dar clases e que o levaron a comisaria de Parlament Street. A súa detención esta relacionada coa mesma operación contra a JNU.