martes, 16 de julio de 2013

INDIA: Ataque naxalita a tren en Bihar.

New Delhi, 16.07.13
BBC-News informa dun ataque a un tren en Bihar. No ataque morreron un oficial da policia e dous civis non identificados. Según a policia, unha columna do comunista EGPL atacóu o tren para capturar as armas dos gardas. Estos conseguiron repeler o ataque guerrilleiro mais recoñecese que os maoistas capturaron un numero indeterminado de armas.

sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Masivas protestas polo asasinato do camarada Prasandam

Según dan conta medios da prensa on-line da India teñense producido expontaneas protestas das masas polo asasinato do vice-presidente da Frente Democrática Revolucionaria camarada Ganti Prasandam.
Na localidade de Kormati, donde o camarada tiña residido coa sua compañeira o pobo bloqueo a estrada nacional acusando ao goberno do crime.
O lider do CPI (ML-Nova Democracia) camarada Neelam Raju dixo que á policía de paisano tiña asasinado ao camarada Prasadam. "O gobierno é responsabel da sua morte". Os coñecidos defensores dos dereitos do pobo Rythu Cooli Sangham, B Kurma Rao e B. Yerramma chamaron a Comisión de Dereitos Humans investigar o asasinato de Ganti Prasadam.

viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

Condeando o brutal asasinato do camarada Prasandam !

Ó xoves, 4 de xullo, foi mortalmente ferido nun atentado na cidade de Nellore, no estado indiano de Andra Pradesh, o vice-presidente da Fronte Democrática Revolucionaria da India, camarada Ganthi Prasandam.
O camarada Prasandam, un coñecido e respetado intelectual revolucionario, de 60 anos, morreu, no Hospital Narayana, no dia de hoxe.
Seu cobarde asasinato a mans de sicarios do goberno reaccionario é un novo crimen contra os pobos da India e indica o nivel de vileza e odio da casta opresora enfrontada a guerra popular revolucionaria que dirixe o Partido Comunista da India (maoísta).
A Fronte Democrática Revolucionaria, que preside o camarada Rao, ten acusado publicamente oa goberno de ordear este noxento crime.
Dende o Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular amosamos noso fondo pesar e solidariedade cos revolucionarios na India e condeamos enerxicamente o asasinato do camarada Prasandam.
Hoxe vemos mais que nunca necesario o apoio e a solidariedade internacionalista co irman pobo da India e sua guerra contra a opresión, unico camiño de liberación dos pobos.

Galiza,  xullo do 2013

Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Exitosa Xornada Internacional "Camarada Azad" de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

Cartaz da campaña no Paseo Maritimo de A Coruña.

Faixa de apoio a guerra popular na India nos accesos ao festival Fusión. Alemania.

Á información que estamos a recibir permite dicer que á Xornada Internacional "Camarada Azad" en apoio a guerra popular na India ten sido un importante exito do internacionalismo proletariario e un grande avance na difusión desta héroica xesta das masas populares e seu partido, o PCI (maoísta), na India.
Dende Ecuador a Canada, de Filipinas a Brasil milleiros de catazes, faixas, pintadas e demais actos de propaganda deron conta da simpatia e apoio das masas a guerra popular revolucionaria na India.
Na Galiza, noso Comité impulsou a campaña facendo un chamado a outras forzas políticas e sociais para que respaldaran a campaña, mais incomprensiblemente tan só os compañeiros e compañeiras do Ateneo Proletario Galego (Vigo) e do CC do PCmG, tomaron unha posición publica en prol da xornada do 1º de xuño.
Na medida das nosas forzas fixemos unha extensa campaña de pintas, pegada de cartazes e mesmo autocolantes nas localidades de Ferrol, A Coruña, Betanzos, Compostela e Pontevedra, ainda que moitos deles foron arrincados ou  mesmo tapados pola propaganda comercial. Á prensa burguesa non fixo referencia a campaña.

A ILPS apoia a campaña a prol da guerra popular na India.



Issued by the Office of the Chairperson
International League of Peoples' Struggle
June 30, 2013

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, join all anti-imperialist and democratic forces in solidarity with the Indian people on  the occasion of the International Day of Support for People's War in India on July 1.  We support the Indian people and all revolutionary forces in waging the people's democratic revolution for national liberation and democracy.

The Indian people are waging a just struggle to overthrow the semicolonial and semifeudal ruling system and liberate themselves from imperialist domination and from feudal and semifeudal exploitation.  We have the highest admiration for the Indian people for following the advanced detachment of the working class, the Communist Party of India (Maoist), and for building the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army and the revolutionary united front,  the organs of Red political power and the mass organizations of workers, peasants, indigenous people, women, youth, cultural workers and other professionals.

The Indian people are now waging the people's war in extensive areas of the Indian countryside.  They are thus resolutely and militantly answering the central question of revolution, which is the seizure of political power.  They are seeking to fulfill the main content of the democratic revolution, which is to satisfy the peasant hunger for land and to prevent the imperialists and local reactionaries from further grabbing the land from the peasants and the adivasis (indigenous people).

The people's war has intensified and expanded in the mountainous and forested areas because the multinational corporations, the big compradors and corrupt bureaucrats are unleashing the most brutal and deceptive campaigns in order to grab  the land, forest, mineral and water resources from the adivasis and other people.  The imperialists and the reactionaries have no right to plunder the resources, ruin the environment and further impoverish the Indian people.

We applaud the Indian people and all their revolutionary forces for overcoming tremendous odds and for  winning ever greater victories  in people's war.  They have frustrated and defeated  vicious and bloody campaigns such as Operation Green Hunt.  This has been directed  and carried out with the collaboration of US military advisors. It has employed various India’s state security forces, including the  specialized anti-Naxalite police,  paramilitary Greyhounds,  elite CoBRAs (Commando Battalion for Resolute Action) and death squads of the reactionary and revisionist parties.

The  Indian  people have not been frightened by the gross and systematic human rights violations being committed by their enemy.   Such human rights violations include abductions, illegal detention, torture, false encounters, selective murders and wholesale murders of the adivasis, dalits (untouchables) and other oppressed and exploited working people.  Vilification of the revolutionary forces and cadres as  “terrorist” has been used by the enemy to justify the most barbaric and gory acts of oppression. But these have only served to inflame the revolution. The crimes of the enemy incite the people to fight ever more fiercely for their national and social liberation

We the ILPS wish the Indian people and revolutionary forces  to win ever greater victories in the new democratic revolution through people's war.  We are hopeful and optimistic that they shall play an increasingly significant role in the upsurge and advance of the anti-imperialist and democratic struggle on a global scale.  We daresay that the Indian revolution  will play a great and pivotal role in the world proletarian revolution for socialism as a consequence of the bankruptcy of neoliberalism and the ever worsening crisis of global capitalism. 

Long live the Indian people and revolutionary forces!

Down with  imperialism, domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism!

Reap greater victories in the people's democratic revolution through people's war!

Advance the world proletarian revolution!

Long live international solidarity!