martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012


As masas populares en moitas cidades da India e de Manipur teñen amosado sua combatividade e denuncia contra á violencia contra as mulleres. Milleiros de homes e mulleres teñen ocupado as rúas para impulsar a loita contra á violencia contra as mulleres; estudantes, campesiñas, obreiras...
Os criminais fascistas teñen convertido á violación nún arma de terror cotidian contra a muller e nas comisarias policiais é unha practica habitual contra as detidas.  Esto non impide que millons de mulleres se rebelen contra á opresión de clase e de xenero. Miles de mulleres conforman pelotons do EGPL e de cotio castigan a seus verdugos.
Á represión reaccionaria das forzas de ocupación da India en Manipur ten asasinado a un periodista que cubria a información das protestas pola violación dunha coñecida actriz.
O Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India amosa sua solidariedade coas masas revolucionarias, coas mulleres da India e Manipur e condena enerxicamente ao rexime ultra-reaccionario da India "falsa Democracia, cadea de pobos" é respalda a victoriosa Guerra Popular Revolucionaria que leva adiante o PCI (maoísta) na maioria dos Estados da India e tamen ao PCm-Manipur, lexitimo representante do pobo oprimido de Manipur.
Facemos un chamado as organización populares da Galiza para que amosen sua condea á violencia contra a muller na India e respaldo publico á sua xusta loita.

Galiza, 24.12.12
Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

Exitosa Conferencia Internacional. Balance do comité galego.

O presente informe quere ser unha cronica das emocions que tivemos na participacion activa nesta conferencia. Compre suliñar que tratase a primeira vez que á Galiza participa con voz propia e organizada nunha Conferencia Internacionalista na que partiparon a maioria dos destacamentos revolucionariario internacionales do mundo actual.
A Conferencia foi realizada nos locais dunha galeria de arte, decorado con faixas vermellas, no coñecido barrio de S.Pauli no casco historico da cidade de Hamburg. Hubo tradución simultanea en diversos idiomas.  Nun ambiente de total camaraderia comenzo as 10.00h coa eleccion da mesa ea lectura de las intervencions dos participantes  facendo-se un receso para a comida colectiva, a base de sopa de verduras e comida tradicional turca. Tamen podian-se visitar postos de propaganda de moitas das organizacions presentes.

A segunda sesion deu comenzo cun grupo musical turco que levou aos nósos ouidos acordes da musica revolucionaria deste país. Os vibrantes discursos das organizaciones asi como de outros grupos de musica deron por rematada esta historica conferenciase ao son da Internacional, imno proletario que no medio de tantas voces, tamen o foi entonado en galego.
Un acto de confraternizacion e festa tivo lugar despois nos locais da Irternationale -5- Zentrun.

Noso comité ten acadado unha rica experiencia e contacto real co traballo dos diversos comités e organizacions presentes, sendo de significar a xuntanzas mantidas cos camaradas filipinos, franceses, ingleses, italianos ou brasileiros, asi mesmo con camaradas do Estado español.
A conferencia foi un gran exito político internacionalista na medida que golpeo duramente a conspiración do silencio imposta sobre a guerra popular na India, e as atrocidades cometidas polas forzas gubernamentais, polos mass media imperialistas e revisionistas.
Como critica agas suliñar que votamos en falta a formación de comisions de traballo especifico ou á redaccion dun comunicado final conxunto coas consclusions da Conferencia.

Hoxe impulsar as tarefas de solidariedade e apoio as masas populares na India e sua xusta guerra popular, parte incuestionable da Revolución Proletaria Mundial, é unha liña clara que deslinda aos revolucionarios dos oportunistas e revisionistas que tratan  conciliar coa explotación coas podres teorias do Socialismo do seculo XXI.

Un poema de Meena Kandasamy de homenaxe aos martires.


A militant, whom my lines
cannot hold whom my lips
cannot kiss whom my eyes
cannot hide whom my memory
cannot mark with a date
of birth or even death.
No knowledge of her village
laid waste, then displaced and
no mention of her songs
seeking to seize a state and
no sign of a red star where
she had stashed her dreams.
In this book of martyrs
only that blood-drenched
story in three bold words:
“One Woman Comrade”
to say she died fighting
for the people.

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

Intervención da delgación galega na Conferencia Internacional de Hamburg.

Compañeiros, compañeiras e camaradas:
Un caloroso saúdo vermello dende Galiza.
Para os compañeiros e compañeiras que formamos parte desta delegación, é un orgullo poder dirixirnos aos asistentes e afirmar, que dende este pequeno país sen estado, dende o Finisterrae de Europa, hai mulleres e homes que miran con alegría as vitorias das masas que hoxe na india levan adiante a guerra popular revolucionaria. Que aprenden da súa loita e de cómo realizan a aplicación do mlm as condicións concretas da revolución. Hai homes e mulleres que apoian firmemente o irmán pobo indio e traballan por aplicar tamén as condiciones concretas de Galicia o camiño da revolución.
Saudamos o Partido Comunista da India (maoísta) o heroico destacamento que encabeza esta gloriosa loita, que non poderá ser esmagada por máis que os reaccionarios cometan todo tipo de crimes contra o pobo.
Un emocionado lal salam en memoria do camarada Azad, do camarada Kishenyi, que ao igual que miles de fillos e fillas do pobo, hoxe son as chamas da liberación do pobo, da guerra popular que avanza a pesar das accións represivas e criminais como a operación Green Hunt.
Que as mans manchadas de sangue dos asasinos reaccionarios serán cortadas polas masas, non nos cabe dubida, por moi fortes que parezan, ou se crean estes criminais, son simples tigres de papel, fronte a guerra popular das masas que é todopoderosa e invencíbel.
Os reaccionarios pensan que matando ou corrompendo aos dirixentes do pobo, os revisionistas, poden gañar a guerra. Só conseguirán prolongar a agonía dun modo de produción depredador e explotador, a sua propia agonía, pois detrás de cada combatente revolucionario caído haberá sempre un fillo ou unha filla do pobo que empuñe as súas armas. Isto nos di a historia, por moito que se empeñen en reescribila u ocultala os imperialistas.
Esta firme convicción, de que son as masas e só as masas as que fan a historia, é o que nos converte en comunistas, en maoístas, en revolucionarios dispostos a dar as nosas vidas por un futuro luminoso.
Este ano celebramos o 95 aniversario da Gran Revolución Socialista de Outubro, cando Lenin e os bolcheviques tomaron o poder e continuaron o sendeiro sinalado pola Comuna de París, abrindo a era das revolucións proletarias. Hai que celebralo! Este é o noso calendario, o da nosa clase e non o dos explotadores e as súas falsas festas patrióticas.
As chamas da revolución, da guerra popular, prenden en países moi distintos, dende o Perú a Filipinas, de Turquía a Manipur, Afganistán, Buthán Etc...e todo iso grazas aos destacamentos comunistas que armados co marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo, principalmente maoísmo, enfrontan a tarefa de “asaltar os ceos” que é a liña revolucionaria trazada por Marx, Lenin y Mao.
No Perú, a vinte años da detención do Presidente Gonzalo, a guerra popular continua, avanza e se fortalece baixo a dirección do PCP.
No Nepal, a negra traizón da camarilla renegada e revisionista de Prachanda/Bhattarai golpeou duramente a revolución neste país, pero hoxe de novo, os maoístas traballan pola reconstrución do partido e pola prosecución da revolución de Nova Democracia baixo a dirección do camarada Kiran e os seus camaradas do PCN-maoista.
Na Europa imperialista, a clase obreira e o pobo traballador está sendo obxecto dun feroz ataque as súas condicións de vida e de traballo. Millóns de parados, familias obreiras desafiuzadas ou miles de estafados polos banco delincuentes. Esta situación creou por primeira vez en moitos anos de “paz social” nos países imperialistas, as condicións obxectivas dun gran movemento revolucionario, que teñen que ir acompañadas do factor subxectivo da toma de conciencia de clase polas amplas masas e a construción concéntrica dos tres instrumentos; o Partido, o Exercito Popular e o Fronte Único. Instrumentos que teñen que desenrolarse en torno a unha liña política revolucionaria, aplicación concreta e creativa, das condicións da revolución en Europa da gran bandeira vermella do marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo.
Compañeiros e compañeiras, camaradas; non teñan dubida que o mellor instrumento de apoio, de solidariedade, cos nosos irmáns e irmás da India é prender as chamas vermellas da Revolución na vella Europa capitalista e a construción dunha nova Europa Socialista e proletaria. Esta debe ser a nosa tarefa principal.
¡Adiante, a conseguir novas vitorias!
¡Viva a guerra popular na India!
¡Viva o Partido Comunista da India (maoísta)!
¡Viva o glorioso Exercito Guerrilleiro Popular de Liberación!
¡Vivan as masas populares, elas e só elas, fan a historia!
¡Viva a Conferencia Internacional de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India!
¡Proletarios e pobos oprimidos do mundo; Unídevos!

Galicia, Novembro do 2012

Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.
Comité de Construcción do Partido Comunista maoísta da Galiza.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

INDIA: CPI (maoíst) Press Release de 30.Nov.1012

Press Release
November 30, 2012
Oppose the brutal offensives of the Indian Ruling Classes!
Intensify People’s War & Defeat
the ‘Operation Green Hunt’ – ‘War on People’!
Oppose and fight back the deployment of Indian Army in Bastar in the guise of establishing training camp for suppression of the revolutionary movement!
Call of the Central Military Commission – CPI (Maoist)
On the occasion of the PLGA 12th anniversary celebrations

Dear comrades, beloved people!
People’s Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA) was formed on December 2, 2000 for the victory of Indian New Democratic Revolution as part of the World Socialist Revolution and as a detachment of the International Army of the Proletariat in the path shown by the great revolutionary teachers of the Indian revolution Comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee. By December 2, 2012 it would complete 12 years of its formation. The Central Military Commission (CMC) is giving a call on this occasion to conduct 12th PLGA anniversary weekly celebrations in all the guerilla zones and red resistance areas and to expand by intensifying guerilla warfare to defeat through People’s War – ‘Operation Green Hunt’ (OGH) (War on People) carried on by the exploiting ruling classes.
In the past one year nearly hundred beloved daughters and sons of the oppressed masses and common people laid down their most invaluable lives. The leader of the Indian revolutionary movement, General of People’s War, our Politburo member and the beloved son of the oppressed masses – Comrade Mallojual Koteswarlu alias Kishenji lost his life in a fake encounter in the conspiracy of the Central and Bengal state governments and the central intelligence agencies including the Bengal SIB. Dandakaranya Special Zone Committee member Comrade Harak (Srikant) was martyred due to ill-health, North Telangana Special Zone Committee member Comrade Gundeti Sankar (Seshanna) was martyred due to snake bite and Bihar-Jharkhand-North Chhattisgarh Special Area leader Comrade Ajay Ganju was martyred in the hands of the enemy in Kunda forests of Chhatra district of Jharkhand. Comrade Siddharth Burgohain, leading team member (Regional Committee level) of Asom was martyred in a fake encounter along with three comrades. In Dandakaranya Comrade Vijay (South Regional Committee member) was martyred in an accident and senior party activist comrade Swaroopa (Sunita) was martyred due to ill-health. Comrade BSA Satyanarayana, leader of working class movements and people’s lawyer, Comrade Goru Madhava Rao, veteran of Srikakulam Struggle and epitome of staunch communist commitment, Comrade Penduru Bhim Rao, Adivasi leader breathed their last this year. Nearly 60 common people and activists of mass organizations and Revolutionary People’s Committees lost their lives due to police brutality. 19 unarmed people were killed in cold blood in the Sarkinguda massacre in the Basaguda area of Bijapur district in Dandakaranya. Let us pay red homage to each one of these martyrs and vow to fulfill their dreams.
The Indian ruling classes are implementing in a structured manner the counter-revolutionary LIC strategy under the guidance of the U.S. imperialists with the aim of wiping out the Indian revolutionary movement. The various tactical counter offensive campaigns and military actions taken up as part of resistance by the PLGA in the past one year in various guerilla zones to resist this had a good political impact. A total of 114 police died and more than 191 were injured in several single actions, operations and ambushes such as – the ambush near Gorgonda (Sukma) on the vehicle of Koya Commando commanders Kartam Surya and Kicha Nanda, the massive brave ambush conducted on the convoy of CRPF and CoBRA forces near Pusutola (Gadchiroli), Irpugutta ambush (Kanker), Kirandul night ambush (Dantewada), the ambush on butcher Mahendra Karma, the leader of Salwa Judum (Dantewada) – all in Dandakaranya; the valiant ambush on mine-proof vehicle near Bargarh (Garhwa), Kharanji Tungi ambush (Latehar), the brave attack on the enemy helicopter in Labhar forest area (Latehar), the ambush on NH-2 (Latehar), the attack on the escort vehicle in Giridih town & release of eight Maoist prisoners – all in Jharkhand; the battles waged by PLGA on the CRPF and CoBRA forces on the same day in Baltor and Dumaria forests in Gaya district of Bihar, the ambush on mine-proof vehicle near Sakarbandha; the Janniguda (Dyke 3) ambush (Chitrakonda-Balimela road), the single action in Sileru – in AOB; the Badarpanga ambush in Odisha (Kandhamal), the night ambush in North Telangana and the Gaoltor ambush in West Bengal (Lalgarh). PLGA seized 29 weapons from them. Due to the guerilla actions of the PLGA the ruling classes were forced to deploy more forces in our areas and to decentralize forces in vast areas. As a result, PLGA forces were successful in fighting back the enemy offensive.
From mid-2011 the ruling classes increased their offensives on the movement areas. These operations are being carried out with the aim of damaging our movement areas and damaging our coordination by cutting up our areas into parts. Massacres like the one at Sarkinguda on the people and murders of activists are increasing. Reactionary gangs like Salwa Judum, Nagrik Suraksha Samity, TPC, SPM, Harmad Bahini, Bhairav Sena, Santi Committee and Santi Sangam, secret vigilante gangs, police, paramilitary and commando forces are together resorting to such massacres. The National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) to be newly formed by the central government to fight back Maoists and ‘terrorists’ would turn out to be the ‘biggest threat even to the namesake sovereignty, peace, security, freedom, democracy and right to live of the people’.
The Indian government is deploying Army to wipe out the revolutionary movement. They are constructing all the infra structure needed for the offensives to be conducted by the Army and the Air Force. Air Bases are being built in several areas in Chhattisgarh (CG), Vidarbha, Andhra Pradesh (AP), Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha for conducting Air Force attacks in support of the Army offensives. There are building 400 fortified police stations in the four tri-junctions – AP-CG-Maharashtra; AP-CG-Odisha; CG-Jharkhand-Odisha and Odisha-West Bengal-Jharkhand and strengthening carpet security. They are giving training, weapons and equipment to their forces to fight back any kind of attacks by our PLGA forces. They are speeding up their preparations for drone (UAV) attacks and are concentrating on annihilating the leadership in the field. The central government decided to build 2200 communication towers in areas of Naxalite influence. With the aim of keeping surveillance on the movements of guerillas in thick forests they launched Resat-1 satellite in end April 2012. They are intensifying reforms with the aim of splitting the revolutionary camp and increasing the social base of the exploiting classes. They are economically benefiting a section of people amongst the political leaders, officials, contractors, tribal elders/bad gentry, rich and middle peasants and are utilizing them as their social base. They are waging incessant psychological warfare by propagating on one hand that socialism-communism are outdated and that they can never emerge victorious and on the other hand are urging those inside revolutionary camp to join the police or as informers by deserting the revolutionary movement as they would be wiping it within 5-10 years and as they could never win. They are encouraging liquidators like Savyasachi Panda and trying to fizzle out the movement.
Resorting to heinous, cruel and inhuman offensives on the revolutionaries and the oppressed masses to hand over billions of dollars worth riches to the imperialist corporations, loot of resources and wiping out the alternative people’s political power that is budding under the leadership of the Maoist party is the aim of the Indian ruling classes and their imperialist masters. CMC is calling upon the oppressed masses and all well-wishers of the people to defeat the offensive of the Indian State by intensifying the People’s War and democratic and political agitations all over the country.
Dear Comrades, beloved people!
The financial crisis of world capitalism is deepening and expanding further. The imperialists are contending with each to loot all kinds of sources (human, material) in the backward countries apart from increasing exploitation on the workers and middle classes in their countries in order to overcome this crisis. Attacks on Sikhs, East Asians, South Asians, Muslims and Arabs increased a lot as racism is increasing outrageously in the imperialist countries. Workers, youth, women and middle classes are agitating in several European countries against these neo-liberal economic policies. Proletarian parties and progressive people’s organizations are gaining strength again. Anti-imperialist struggles are intensifying in various forms in all the backward countries. As pro-U.S. rulers had again come to power after the Arab Spring in another guise, people are inevitably realizing the need to choose the revolutionary path. Resistance struggles of oppressed nationalities are continuing in several countries. Muslim people rose like a storm all over the world against the U.S. film that insulted Islam. Advancement of People’s Wars in Philippines and India, revolutionary forces separating themselves from the UCPN (M) in Nepal by opposing its revisionist line, Maoist forces being active in countries such as Turkey, Peru and Bangladesh etc, Maoist organizations and anti-imperialist organizations in several European countries taking up several programs in solidarity to the ongoing People’s War in our country – are all favorable phenomena.
All the fundamental contradictions in our country are intensifying due to the neo-liberal economic policies implemented by the governments. The rich are becoming super rich while the poor are turning paupers. 77 percent of the country’s population is not even in a position to spend 20 rupees a day and suffering from utter poverty. Scams that came to light recently exposed the likes of Rahul Gandhi, Robert Vadhra, central ministers Sarad Pawar, Salman Khurshid and BJP president Nitin Gadkari thoroughly. These economic disparities and corruption are leading to social unrest and are turning into a source for revolution. Adivasis and other peasantry are fighting for Jal-Jungle-Zameen and against displacement. Peasantry is fighting against cut in agrarian subsidies, for fair prices, against adulteration in fertilizers and pesticides, for electricity and for preservation of seeds. People are fighting against price rises, unemployment, famine and starvation deaths. Retail traders are fighting against foreign direct investments. Indian Airlines-Air India pilots, bank and insurance employees, workers and students are fighting against privatization in their sectors. Thousands of workers who were on roads due to lock out of Maruti Suzuki in Gurgaon waged militant struggles. Artisans, fishing communities, women, Dalits, Adivasis – all sections of people are fighting against loss of livelihood and against the exploitation of land lords, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie (CBB) and imperialists. In spite of severe repression nationality struggles of the Kashmir and North East for national liberation and independence are rising repeatedly. CMC is calling upon the Indian oppressed masses, patriotic and democratic forces to intensify the People’s War which is decisive and democratic and political agitations with the slogan ‘Let us seize political power through People’s War’.
The reason behind the utter poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and malaises is the exploitation and oppression of Indian big land lords and CBB who are both lackeys of the imperialists. PLGA is fighting with the political aim of establishing a new democratic society where such exploitation and oppression end and a socialist system where there are no economic and social inequalities. We are carrying on armed struggle in the inevitable conditions where this political aim cannot be achieved through peaceful means or in the path of bourgeois parliamentary elections. Several struggles failed in achieving this aim using the above methods during the British colonial rule and in the post-colonial days. Our struggle is neither extremism nor terrorism. This is solely the foul propaganda of the central and state governments. They are propagating that our People’s War is extremism and terrorism with the aim of gaining legitimacy for their fascist offensive on the revolutionary movement. All these exploiters who are mortgaging our country to the imperialists and resorting to scams worth billions of rupees are all betrayers of our country. We are calling upon the people to overthrow these exploiting classes and betrayers of the country and participate in the People’s War ongoing for seizure of political power of the oppressed masses and join the PLGA that is waging this People’s War. Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal who are claiming that they would end corruption are all apologists of the exploiting system in our country. They would be able to bring only some namesake reforms like the Lokpal. Believing them would be deceitful. We are calling upon workers, peasants, students, intellectuals, doctors, lawyers, journalists, artisans, Dalits, Adivasis, women, various minorities, various nationalities, patriots and democrats to participate in the People’s War ongoing for sovereign, independent, democratic India based on freedom, independence and equality and join the PLGA that is leading this People’s War.
Conduct meetings, rallies, demonstrations on a huge scale in each and every village, nook and corner to propagate the political aim of the People’s War waged by the PLGA and to defeat the Operation Green Hunt!
Note : On this occasion we would not observe ‘Bandh’. Using this call police creating that type of ‘Bandh’ atmosphere. Don’t believe it.
For Central Military Commission
CPI (Maoist)

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

Nota aos nosos lectores e lectoras,

A paxina oficial da Conferencia Internacional ten sido saboteada, polo mesmo esta inoperativa. En breve tempo teremos información da nova paxina,